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Felony Friday: New CA Laws Take A Big Bite Out of The Second Amendment

At the end of September California Governor Jerry Brown signed two anti-gun bills into law that have further eroded the Second Amendment’s foothold in the state.On second thought, erosion is too soft a word. Assembly Bills 1609 and 1014 have dealt a lethal blow to gun rights in the state by setting the wheels in motion to build a statewide gun owner database and by making it easier for law enforcement officers to file restraining orders to have citizens forfeit their guns. The enforcement of both bills will commence on January 1, 2015.Since these bills are equally tyrannical I present them to you in no particular order.Assembly Bill 1609 is a very dangerous piece of legislation. It prohibits residents of California from importing or transporting any firearm, which was purchased outside of the state, into the state unless it is delivered to a licensed California firearm dealer in the state. This provides yet another avenue for the state to build their gun owner database.A violation of the law outlined in AB 1609 could result in misdemeanor charges for all firearms that are not categorized as handguns. A violation involving a handgun could result in a misdemeanor or a felony charge.Assembly Bill 1014 appears to be written as a response to the tragic murders that occurred in Isla Vista, CA in the spring of this year. AB 1014 would authorize a court to issue a temporary emergency gun violence restraining order if a law enforcement officer asserts there is reasonable cause to believe a person poses a danger to himself or others and a judicial officer agrees.Gun laws were already terrible in California. Current laws exist that make it illegal to conceal carry in the state and the purchase of any gun, from handguns to shotguns, are required to be made through a California licensed gun dealer. You can’t even own a handgun in the state until you’re old enough to drink!With the addition of Assembly Bill 1609 to existing state laws already on the books, California is getting very close to having a statewide gun owner database. If that weren’t bad enough, with AB 1014 the state has essentially claimed they can take your guns away as long as the cause is deemed “reasonable.”Essentially California has nullified the Second Amendment. Amazingly, these bills were signed into law at the end of September, but the news of their passage didn't even make the mainstream news cycle!California has some redeeming qualities, like beautiful weather and picturesque beaches, but in my humble opinion the bad outweighs the good. Two of the co-founders of this website call the Golden State home and I am extremely jealous of the climate they enjoy, especially this time of the year when winter is approaching, but I would not trade places with them. (Editor's Note: Neither would I!) The writing is on the wall in California.I'll keep my gun rights and winter weather, rather than live in a place where the right to bear arms is deemed to be too dangerous for the people to handle without government assistance. In California, the Second Amendment is dead. The constitutional protections put in place by the founders to defend your right to protect your life and liberty are facing an assault not yet seen in U.S. history.My advice to people currently residing in California is pretty straightforward: get out now!Check out our past editions of Felony Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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