TMR: Police Organization Calls For Background Checks On All Gun Sales, Chicago Activists Turn On Democrats, Cops Point Gun At Man As He Records Friend’s Arrest

We hope today’s edition of The Morning Roar lights a bushfire in your mind!Police Organization Calls For Background Checks On All Gun SalesIn the least shocking news of the day, police from across the United States have declared their support for background checks on all private gun sales. The name of the group that made this call to action is the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence.In the press release, Baltimore, MD, Police Chief Jim Johnson is cited as claiming that forty percent of firearm transactions are private and thus do not require a federal background check. He compares this to allowing forty percent of airline passengers to board an airplane without going through security.This reasoning does not hold water for many reasons. It is plausible that forty percent of airline passengers do not need to go through security to board an airplane. Also, it should be up to the airline to evaluate risk exposure posed by passengers and to incorporate appropriate security processes to mitigate against security threats.Above all else this analogy is invalid because it is conflicted. Guns and airplanes are two completely different items with different intentions and consequences. This illogical thought process makes the insinuation that a person can own ten guns and the six that were bought through a background check are safe, but the four that were not somehow are a danger to society.The following is a portion of the statement release by the Nation Law Enforcement Partnership To Prevent Gun Violence:

Baltimore County, MD, Police Chief Jim Johnson, Chair of the Partnership, voiced grave concern that over the last decade gun deaths in the U.S. have risen from an average of 82 per day in 2002 to 91 per day in 2012, the last year for which data are available. He also expressed alarm that in 2014 gunfire is the leading cause of death for police officers killed in the line of duty. As of October 26, 2014, officer firearm fatalities rose 64 percent from the same time in 2013, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.In 2012 and into 2013, ambushes were the leading cause of death for officers killed in the line of duty by guns. Ambushes remain a leading cause of officer firearm fatalities in 2014. did some further research into Johnson’s figures and discovered an exaggeration in the numbers cited.

In further research into Johnson’s figures, there seems to be some slight exaggeration.The 91 deaths per day attributed to firearms in the country by the group is correct on its face, it is something of a catchall as shown by the Centers for Disease Control. According to the agency, the most recent figures for 2011 show there were 32,351 mortalities attributed to firearms nationwide. This number, however, includes accidents, suicides, and homicides. The number of homicides by guns was 11,068, or about a third of the figure stated by the National Law Enforcement Partnership. Further, in a report from the Department of Justice last year, the federal government maintains gun homicides havedeclined by 39 percent overall since 1993.As far as officer fatalities, the group cites data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. On its website, the fund lists that for 2013 the total overall number of officer deaths was at 100, which is the lowest since 1944. Of the 100 officer fatalities last year, about a third of these were from shootings.Currently for 2014 there are 41 recorded officer fatalities due to firearms. Like the CDC data, this figure also includes accidents such as those suffered by Pennsylvania State Trooper David Kedra who was killed in a training exercise and BART Detective Sergeant Tommy Smith who was killed accidentally by another officer in a tragic case of mistaken identity.

I’m not sure if we should be surprised that police want to take our guns away. If cops were thinking rationally, then they would understand that they will be less safe when performing their jobs if guns are only in the hands of criminals.Do cops understand that taking away guns will make their job less safe, or do they not care either way as long as they have a job?Chicago Activists Turn On DemocratsIn the video below, African-American activists had some not-so-kind things to say about Democratic leadership in Chicago. It is refreshing to hear African-Americans candidly criticize the African-Americans that have been elected to office and have risen to prominence in the Democratic machine. These parasites have repeatedly gained power by promising struggling blacks the world, but have repeatedly failed to deliver while enriching their own lives by suckling to the teat of those in power.The video is great until the very end, when one of the speakers says the way to change things is to vote. Voting is not going to change much of anything, but can be at least an agent for change if you vote third-party or vote for someone who is not afraid to speak truth to power.Cops Point Gun At Man As He Records Friend’s ArrestThis video on CBS Los Angeles covers the story of cops pulling a gun on a man as his friend was being provided a report from the conversations that took place between the officers and the friend:

At the start of the video, the officer has his service weapon pointed at the friend who begins to lie facedown on the ground. As the friend complies, the officer then turns and points his weapon at Natividad and orders him to the ground, but Natividad challenges the officer’s response.“I ain’t doing anything. I ain’t doing anything,” he says, adding, “Why you gotta point a gun at me? Why you gotta point a gun at me? We have no weapons … We’re not a threat to you. Why do you have the gun pointed at me? I am not a threat. I got out of the car and I surrendered to you. Right here and you’re pointing a gun at me.”Natividad then pleads with the officer to lower his weapon.“I realize what just happened right now. It was a violation of the law. But it doesn’t require for you to pull out a gun. It’s not a threat. At least you can use your sense,” he says. “Come on. It’s one man talking to another man. Eliminate the gun or the badge. You’re a man. You’re a man. You’re a man behind that badge. Be like a man. That’s a coward pointing a gun at me.”In the nearly 4-minute video, a second officer arrives and also draws his weapon. At one point, Natividad’s voice begins to crack as he starts to cry.“I’m not doing anything. I am a law abiding citizen. I served in the United States Army. Okay,” he says. “I am scared for my freaking life right now. I got two guns pointed at me. I got two guns pointed at me for nothing. I am standing right here. This is a violation of my rights.”

Cops are so quick to pull their weapons. It was brave of Natividad to question the intentions of the officers and to call them out for pointing a loaded gun at an unarmed man.Thankfully Mr. Natividad recorded the entire incident. If he did not have his phone visible in his hand recording the incident, then the incident could have ended quite differently.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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