TMR: White House Official Calls Israel PM "Chickensh$t", Rand Paul Says GOP Brand Sucks, and Suppressed UK Study Shows Tough Drug Laws Fail

First and foremost, Happy Halloween! Arguably my favorite day of the year after Christmas. We did a very special Halloween Spooktacular podcast yesterday, which I urge you to check out, as hilarity and liberty both ensue. But, before you click over there, enjoy this haunted "MOURNING ROAR!" White House Official Calls Netanyahu "Chickenshit" What's truly terrifying isn't so much whatever the dolts in the White House have to say about Israel PM Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, but instead the fact that we blindly support Israel with arms, money and political favors as our elected officials bend over backwards to avoid a confrontation with AIPAC. So in a way, a White House official (anonymously) calling Bibi "chickenshit" is refreshing. From Reason:

On Tuesday The Atlantic published an article titled "The Crisis in U.S.-Israeli Relations Is Officially Here." Well, if it weren't already, it is now. The piece opens with this quote:"The thing about Bibi is, he's a chickens hit."The colorful opinion comes from a "senior Obama administration official" who remains unnamed. Whoever it was went on to explain:"The good thing about Netanyahu is that he's scared to launch wars. The bad thing about him is that he won't do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he's interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. … He's got no guts."Netanyahu responded on Wednesday:"Our supreme interests, chiefly the security and unity of Jerusalem, are not the main concern of those anonymous officials who attack us and me personally, as the assault on me comes only because I defend the State of Israel. ...Despite all of the attacks I suffer, I will continue to defend our country. I will continue to defend the citizens of Israel."

It is good he is hesitant to launch wars, but there is an ongoing state of war (being won hand over fist by Israel) with the Palestinians. Israel continues to break treaties by continuing to expand into Gaza. While this is going on, propaganda is put out about the one guy a year killed by a rocket propelled grenade from Palestine.So really, until someone from the U.S. actually gets the balls to say "Knock off this ongoing crap and just stick to your existing borders," everyone involved is chickenshit, all around the coop.Rand Paul Says GOP's Brand "Sucks"Rand Paul told it like it is during a GOP pitstop on Wednesday, laying the wood to the GOP brand, according to a The Hill report:

“Remember Domino’s Pizza? They admitted, ‘Hey, our pizza crust sucks.’ The Republican Party brand sucks and so people don’t want to be a Republican and for 80 years, African-Americans have had nothing to do with Republicans,” he said.“Why? Because of a perception,” he said. “The problem is the perception is that no one in the Republican Party cares.”

That is a good point, though one that is hard to alter, especially with a populace bred to feed off the government teat. The position that people need to help themselves - and that with less government intrusion this is infinitely more possible - falls on deaf ears when 50% of the population is on some sort of government dole. "Not caring" is the easy label for liberals to slap onto the GOP when it wants to take away people's free money, even if would be better for those people and our country in the long run.

“We’re also fighting 40 years of us doing a crappy job, of Republicans not trying at all for 40 years, so it’s a lot of overcoming,” he said. “You got to show up, you got to have something to say and really we just have to emphasize that we’re trying to do something different.”

Rand does have some good bills in the works, mainly targeting mandatory sentencing and drug offenses that ruin so many lives in this country. Say what you will of the man, but he is still the most "different" politician in Washington.Suppressed UK Study Reveals Tough Drug Laws Dont' Do Diddly A study that broke yesterday in the UK outlines exactly what anyone with a rational mind already knows - that tough drug laws and sentencing do nothing to slow the use of drugs or to deter anyone from using them. From Newsweek:

A UK government study on drugs policy released today has concluded that tougher drug laws do not lead to lower levels of use, and recognised that decriminalisation has been effective in many parts of the world.

The report - the government’s first evidence-based study into drugs policy - was not released without incident however, as Liberal Democrat drugs minister Norman Baker accused his Conservative coalition partners of “suppressing” it.

One wonders how much lobbying by the prison industrial complex in the UK had to do with this report's lack of love in Parliament? In our own country it's a multi-billion dollar industry, and one that doesn't like to have its rice bowl broken.

The report analyses international drug laws, including that of Portugal, which changed its laws in 2000 so that drug offences were no longer criminal offences with a possible prison punishment, if the amount possessed was no more than ten days’ supply of that substance. According to the report:  “One of the clearest changes in Portugal since 2001 has been a considerable improvement in the indicators of health outcomes for drug users.”

Contrary to current government policy, the report finds that: “Looking across different countries, there is no apparent correlation between the ‘toughness’ of a country’s approach and the prevalence of adult drug use.” It goes on to say: “There are indications that decriminalization can reduce the burden on criminal justice systems.”

For avid readers of this website (DAILY!), what do you think the government had to say in the face of these facts?

Responding to the report, a Home Office spokesperson said: “This government has absolutely no intention of decriminalising drugs. Our drugs strategy is working and there is a long-term downward trend in drug misuse in the UK.”

Unbelievable. The disconnect between reality and political fantasy is staggering. And make no mistake, this sort of insanity is happening here at home as well. It isn't a matter of science or economics to these people, but a matter of an ill-formed moral code that is passed down, which labels any drug use as wrong and criminal, and thus needing to be punished. "Spare the rod and spoil the child!"It doesn't matter that drug use only hurts the user or that there is no benefit to fighting the "war on drugs" to those that are battling addiction, or that just enjoy recreational use.It is a mental instability, a voyeuristic urge to see sadistic punishment meted out onto those who dare to partake in the taboo - a taboo that we have seen time and time again practiced by the most vociferous campaigners against it. Make no mistake - the War on Drugs is the biggest threat to liberty that faces us today.Anyway, enjoy your candy, ye fanged freedom fighters!Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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Lions of Liberty Podcast Ep. 58: The Halloween Spooktacular!