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Political Badger Interview with Ward Churchill

In the latest interview from Jack Thompson, aka Political Badger:

I recently had an extremely interesting chat with Ward Churchill, author and former professor at the University of Colorado. Churchill became well-known after his controversial article on the 9/11 attacks and his view that this was a case of chickens coming home to roost. I agreed with him on many things and disagreed on quite a few. He is certainly not our typical guest, but definitely one of our more interesting ones. Enjoy!

[audio mp3=""][/audio]ward-churchill Ward Churchill certainly is an interesting guy, and I many libertarians could take a lot from his perspective. In particular, I appreciate how Mr. Churchill points out that it's wrong to defend the status quo as it were the free market, as our present corporatist-fascist system is far from a free market.And be sure to continue checking out our pal Political Badger!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!