TMR: FLOTUS Wants Blacks to Vote "D" No Matter The Candidate, Students Boycott Government Lunch, and Ferguson Cops Granted "No Fly Zone" To Prevent Media Coverage

Everyone exhausted after coming down from that Halloween sugar high yet, or are some of you still riding the sucrose wave? Pop some more Whoppers, because liberty and sugar jitters go together like rice and beans, my friends! The Morning Roar! Michelle Obama Wants The Black Community to Vote Democrat No Matter Who is Running In typical race-baiting fashion leading into today's elections, First Lady Michelle Obama went on Cable One, a station with programming geared towards black audiences, and stated that...

"Thats my message to voters, this isn't about Barack, It's not about person on that ballot, its about you, and for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on regardless of who said what or did this, that shouldn't even come into the equation."

This of course comes in the face of black voters openly waking up and dissenting against the Democratic party, which has long had a stranglehold over the black community. For example, this video is making the rounds now:Let me translate that previous Michelle O quote for everyone. Michelle is saying: "Black people vote Democrat, so make sure you keep doing that even if it makes no sense, and don't bother paying attention to anything that's being said or the campaigns involved. Just vote Democrat."It's despicable that the FLOTUS would encourage people to vote purely along racial lines and ignore the actual politics involved in individual races, or what the actual, tangible real-world benefits of voting for one candidate over another may be. Were I a black voter I would be enraged by this comment, which (to me, anyway) comes across as condescending and assumptive of an ignorant audience. Of course, that's the Democratic way in general - that the common man is ignorant and unable to take care of his or her self - so why would Michelle's opinion be any different?Now, let's hear from another segment of the population that Michelle presumes can't think for, or take care of themselves: the children!Students Organizing Boycotts Against Michelle Obama's Cafeteria Starvation Centers Yes, Michelle Obama's widely hated, failing, and costly Cafeteria Starvation Centers that have been forced onto American schools nationwide are still getting much needed attention for just how awful they are. The latest news is that students have begun to stand up and organize boycotts to further cripple the economies of the schools involved in this program, many of which depend to a high degree on funds gained from lunch sales. From EAG:

SCHOFIELD, Wis. – Meghan Hellrood is determined to make her point about the new skimpy lunches in her school.The D.C. Everest High School senior is organizing a boycott of the new “healthy” lunches required by federal regulations that were championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.Hellrood says the 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is neither healthy or hunger free, according to WSAU.“They have to pack more food themselves to go along with the school food. So, they’re getting two meals. One is from school but they’re bringing the other one,” she says, explaining the school food is now lower quality and students are getting less of it.Even condiments aren’t escaping the regulations.unlimited mayo“Now, we’re even getting restricted with our mayo packets and barbeque sauce packets, that we can’t even take two packages of mayo because that’s too many calories, so I’m handing out mayo,” Hellrood tells the radio station.She even posted a photo of her stash on Facebook, promising “unlimited mayo.”The senior claims students are charged more if they don’t take all the food the Feds require schools to serve.“For a meal, to make it a meal cost, you need to get a milk, a fruit, and the main entree, and if you do not choose a fruit, they will charge you more for just the milk and the main entree. If you don’t get the milk, but you still get the main entree and fruit, they’ll still charge you more,” Hellrood says.

This is a situation that is going to continue to get worse until it's final resolution, which I firmly believe will fall back towards reason and freedom of choice for schools and children alike. On the bright side, a whole new generation of future voters is experiencing firsthand how government loves to stifle freedom. That can only help the libertarian cause, as these kids grow up resenting the controls that have been forced upon them and learn valuable skills to organize and rebel against unjust causes. Heck, starve them for another year, Michelle. It's all gravy to us libertarians in the long run!"No Fly Zone" Over Ferguson - FAA Worked With Local Cops To Stop Media Helicopters In another despicable example of the government going out of its way to stifle the flow of valuable information to the public, all the while working hand-in-hand with a military organization that our taxes pay for: yes, we're back to talking about Ferguson. Specifically, the revelation that the "no fly zone" over the city was organized with intent to keep the media out.The AP is reporting that while the 37 mile "no fly zone" over the city during the protests and clashes with law enforcement following the killing of local teen Michael Brown by police was supposed to allow media helicopter coverage, the FAA worked closely with local cops to make sure that didn't happen.

The Obama administration's defense of its actions centered on a provision of obscure federal regulations intended to allow press flights as long as they meet certain conditions. White House spokesman Josh Earnest sidestepped questions about conversations on the tapes showing police working with the FAA to keep media away.On the tapes, an FAA manager is heard assuring a St. Louis County Police Department official that the updated restrictions would allow planes to land at nearby Lambert-St. Louis International Airport but, "It will still keep news people out. ...The only way people will get in there is if they give them permission in there anyway so ... it still keeps all of them out.""Yeah," replied the police official. "I have no problem with that whatsoever."The disclosures about the secret motivations by local police to keep press flights away emerged during a sensitive time in Ferguson, which is awaiting a decision by a grand jury whether a city police officer, Darren Wilson, will face criminal charges for fatally shooting Brown on Aug. 9. Violence flared for weeks across the city through September. The FAA put the first no-fly restrictions in place on Aug. 11.

Freedom of the Press is a real sticking point with the thugs in law enforcement that patrol the streets of Ferguson - let's not forget when they shot rubber bullets at and tear-gassed a news crew before knocking down their equipment. It's just so nice to see that the federal government is solidly in their corner. They must be taking their cues from that notorious despiser of media, President Obama.The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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