TMR: Obama's Secret Letter to Ayatollah Khameinei, Ron Paul on the One-Party Monopoly, Amazon's Amazing and Possibly Creepy New Gizmo

Fuhgettaboutit! It's Friday! Let's wrap up the week right with your Friday The Morning Roar!President Obama Sends Secret Letter to Iran's Ayatollah KhameiniThe Wall Street Journal is reporting on a secret letter sent from President Barack Obama to Iran's leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. But secrets are just so passé! And they never seem to stay so for long, so of course the contents of the letter have come out. From WSJ Online:

The letter appeared aimed both at buttressing the campaign against Islamic State and nudging Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal.Mr. Obama stressed to Mr. Khamenei that any cooperation on Islamic State was largely contingent on Iran reaching a comprehensive agreement with global powers on the future of Tehran’s nuclear program by a Nov. 24 diplomatic deadline, the same people say.The October letter marked at least the fourth time Mr. Obama has written Iran’s most powerful political and religious leader since taking office in 2009 and pledging to engage with Tehran’s Islamist government.

President Obama is certainly no dove - he's currently bombing Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, to name a few - it is encouraging that he is at least attempting to engage in discussions with the leadership of Iran instead of resorting to the bellicose posture of many  Republicans and neocons. I doubt we would see any such communication from a Romney administration. I'd venture a guess that the letter was kept secret due to the midterm elections and not wanting the Democrats to seem too "soft" on Iran, but now that the Republicans have swept Democrats hopes away there is much less risk with releasing the letter.It should be noted that one motivation for the President's stance with Iran is to achieve cooperation against another foreign enemy, John McCain's good old buddies, ISIS. In the end, it's seemingly a political maneuver on the global chessboard, but in this case at least it's one that may inch the United States further away from what would surely be a disastrous war with Iran, one that looked almost certain during the end days of the Bush administration.Of course, with the Republicans back in power in the House and Senate, we can expect more warmongering pressure on the President than ever. Don't take it from me, even Ron Paul says so!Ron Paul Interviewed by Ben Swann on the One-Party Political MonopolySpeaking of that Ron Paul character, that rascally fellow was interviewed by our good friend Ben Swann (and Erin Ade!) as part of his election day coverage on Russia Today, the day after the elections took place. I know, I know, I'm an old man, behind the times, bringing you an interview from a full 3 days ago, but this is the first I've seen of it, and Ron Paul makes salient points as always. I recommend the full interview. couldn't help but think of all the people in my newsfeed this week having the typical left-right arguments. "The Republicans are going to run the country into the ground!" "The Democrats are out, the country is saved!" As the good Doctor points out, these two parties are so similar in actual policy positions and in their stranglehold over the political system, that they are essentially one party.And for more from Ben Swann, check out my interview with him from the Lions of Liberty Podcast.Amazon's Amazing, and Possibly Creepy New GizmoCheck this out! The Amazon Echo does indeed look amazing...but as always during these times, we have to consider the possible Big Brother implications. Still...the sci-fi geek in me sees the future arriving and thinks it's pretty cool! Prime members (count me among them) can try this baby for $99. And I believe I will....speaking of Amazon, to help support our site, shop through that Amazon banner you see to your right!Will I really end this week's Roar with a shameless plug?...Yes, yes I will! See y'all next week!Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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