TMR: North Koreans Working As Slaves In Qatar, George W. Bush’s One Regret About Iraq Invasion, 10,000 Non-violent Offenders Could Be Released From CA Prisons

Another week begins! And you know what that means? It’s time for another edition of The Morning Roar!North Koreans Working As Slaves In QatarQatar is slated to host the World Cup in 2022, and the treatment of their migrant workers has come under scrutiny. Multiple sources are reporting that there are as many as 3,000 North Koreans working on projects within the country. Many observers claim the North Korean are being forced to work in a form of “state-sponsored slavery.”Sources claim that the North Korean workers are being forced to work longer hours and do not even receive pay until they return home to North Korea. While working abroad these workers have no money. They are essentially broke while working in dangerous conditions in the desert heat and are forced to borrow money for things like cigarettes.According to a report by the North Korea Strategy Centre, a defector-run organization based in South Korea: “Almost all of the wages of the workers sent abroad are remitted back to Kim Jong-un’s regime … in very extreme cases, the workers are allowed to have 10% of their wages.”The Guardian reports:

Thousands of migrant labourers from North Korea are toiling for years on construction sites in Qatar for virtually no pay – including on the vast new metropolis that is the centrepiece of the World Cup – in what may amount to “state-sponsored slavery”.According to testimonies from workers and defectors, labourers from the reclusive state said they receive almost no salaries in person while in the Gulf emirate during the three years they typically spend there.They work in the expectation they will collect their earnings when they return to North Korea, but according to a series of testimonies from defectors and experts, workers receive as little as 10% of their salaries when they go home, and some may receive nothing. One North Korean worker at a construction site in central Doha told the Guardian: “We are here to earn foreign currency for our nation.”

It should not be the least bit surprising that North Korea’s economy is in shambles. After all, North Korea is a dictatorial communist nation. It is only a matter of time until all wholly socialized economies implode. We also should not be caught off guard that Kim Jong-un had chosen to pimp out North Koreans in order to bring wealth into the nation. The man is a dangerous sociopath who has absolutely no respect for the individual North Korean. In order to maintain the support of the North Korean elites, Kim Jong-un has sent citizens into slavery. Kim Jong-un relies upon the support of the wealthy North Koreans and as their quality of life worsens, he is searching for ways to supplement a lifestyle that the centrally planned economy cannot. He has resorted to selling the labor services of North Koreans to willing partners throughout the world in order to maintain the status quo.The lack of a response by nations that claim to respect individual rights should come as a surprise. These countries are doing absolutely nothing substantial to stop Kim Jong-un’s human trafficking. There was 100 times more reporting by international news outlets when Kim Jong-un disappeared from public for a few weeks, but there has barely been a peep in response to blatant state-sponsored slavery.We need to know why there is silence. Why are countries that purport to defend individual rights not condemning Qatar and other offending regimes that have employed North Korean laborers? Why is the world agreeing to have the World Cup in a country that does not value individual rights? Why are government leaders throughout the world not attempting to halt the flow of money, made on the backs of slaves, to the dangerous Kim Jong-un regime?These are very important questions that require answers and corresponding actions from government leaders. It is unacceptable to see world leaders acting so blasé regarding the outright exploitation of North Koreans.George W. Bush’s One Regret About Iraq InvasionGeorge W. Bush appeared on CBS News Face the Nation on Sunday and volunteered that he has one regret about invading Iraq. A reasonable man would have many regrets after spending billions of dollars on a war that resulted in thousands of deaths and the de-stabilization of an entire region, but GWB called out only one specific thing that he regrets during the two-part interview.From The Daily Mail:

George W. Bush appeared to take aim at his successor President Obama in an interview aired today - as he suggested the draw down of troops in Iraq had allowed ISIS to flourish.Speaking to CBS News in a two-part interview, the 68-year-old former president said he thought it was 'the right decision' to take military action in 2003 in a bid to oust Saddam Hussein.But he added: 'My regret is that…a violent group of people have risen up again…This is "Al-Qaeda plus"…they need to be defeated. And I hope we do…I hope the strategy works.'

Wow George W. Bush really is a sociopath. I can think of probably one hundred things that Bush should regret about invading Iraq. There are two that I would hope the leader of the world’s greatest super power would have on his conscience. And they both deal with protecting human life. The tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians that were killed during the war and the more than four thousand United States armed service members that lost their lives during the conflict. How does this not weigh on his mind?Apparently, GW is not bothered by the blood on his hands.All he seems to care about is making a political point. Many claim that George W. Bush is a bumbling buffoon, which may be accurate. But even if he is not the sharpest, he still understands politics and understands how to craft a message. If he claims he’s disappointed ISIS took over Iraq, then the blame can be shifted to President Obama’s withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Neoconservatives have long been ignoring the facts of the situation and have blamed Obama for removing ground troops from Iraq too early. Never mind that the deadline to drawdown troops in the Iraq was set while George W. Bush was still in office.George W. Bush is a shrewd politician and I fear that he is aiding in crafting the neoconservative message his brother, Jeb Bush, will champion when he runs for President in 2016.10,000 Non-violent Offenders Could Be Release From CA PrisonsCalifornia Proposition 47, which was discussed in our recent article “Should Libertarians Vote?”, will reclassify various offenses which were previously felonies, as misdemeanors. Analysts believe this should result in 40,000 less felonies each year and could save up to $150 million dollars.But wait there’s more. Non-violent prisoners currently locked up could soon be getting a taste of freedom.Zach McAuliffe from Ben Swann’s news website reports:

The proposition will also apply to people currently being held in the California prison system, which is how those incarcerated people could apply for early release.Similar legislature has been enacted in other states in the past few years.Georgia, for example passed a law in 2012 which, according to FiveThirtyEight, allowed alternative sentencing for low-level, nonviolent offenders.  The state’s prison population dropped by about 14 percent by the end of 2013 and the crime rate dropped by about 4 percent as well.  The state also saved approximately $20 million in the first year of enacting the new law.

This is great news for those of us that value individual rights. While there is still much more work to be done, this legislation is a step in the right direction. Any time that man-made laws can be wiped off the books and non-violent offenders can be set free, it is a grand day for liberty. But don’t tell that to the anti-voting libertarian crowd. Their dogmatic diatribe against all forms of voting makes the outrageous claim that by participating in the voting process, even to remove right infringing laws from the books, the state becomes stronger, because the voter has “endorsed the process.”Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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