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TMR: DEA Agent Who Shot Innocent Grandma In Raid Gets Off, Brazil Builds Fiber Optic Network to Avoid NSA, and "Gays, Guns & Ganja" Maps Show Spread of Liberty in US

Your Wednesday Morning Roar! DEA Agent Who Shot Innocent Grandmother In Botched Raid Will Won't Be Charged If there is one hard and fast rule when it comes to government agencies nowadays, it's that above anything else, they will turn the other cheek in order to avoid prosecuting their own. The latest agency to decide one of its agents did nothing wrong when he clearly did something outrageously terrible is the Drug Enforcement Agency, which arranged a raid of a house on suspicion of drugs being on the premise. They ended up with no drugs, but a shot grandmother.  From

Lillian Alonzo, 49, was shot through the arm with the bullet lodging in her torso in her Beech St. apartment on Aug. 27. She survived the wounds, however the bullet remains lodged in her ribs and she has limited function of her arm.According to the  official investigation, the handgun of DEA Agent Michael Connolly accidentally discharged when the agent tried to kick Alonzo’s bedroom door in.The report states that Connolly kicked the door, but it would not open. The third kick ended up breaking through the door, at which point Connolly's foot was caught, causing him to fall back. As he stumbled backward, he heard a gunshot. Once he regained his feet, Connolly saw his left arm was locked and the handgun looked extremely black."He saw his trigger finger along the slide of the gun. He did not remember feeling recoil. "¨ He felt time slow down and wondered if the shot he heard was from him. He wondered how that happened," the report reads.

Seriously? This reads like a screenplay for an X-Files episode, not a DEA agent report.

Alonzo’s apartment was subsequently torn to shreds in fruitless attempt to locate drugs. "They should give my mom the help she needs. They destroyed everything; they tore up the apartment," Nunez said. He said the DEA should apologize for its actions.Alonzo is still trying to recover from the injuries sustained from the gunshot. According to Nunez, Medicaid is refusing to pay for Alonzo’s physical therapy, which she needs to regain control of her arm. Alonzo, the sole resident of the Beech St. apartment, has not been charged with anything and federal prosecutors have said that charges against her are unlikely.

In what world is this justice? The "War on Drugs" once again snags a victim for no reason whatsoever - a meaningless raid that left a woman crippled, and then absolutely no responsibility is taken by the DEA or any agency that undertakes these disgusting acts. If you took out the agency and polled people around the world asking them what country this occurred in, I doubt any of them would guess America. Yet here we are. It makes me sick.When will Americans stand up together and loudly scream "this will never happen again!"?Marc Clair spoke with John Whitehead regarding the rise of SWAT team raids and their relation to the ground war last year for the Lions of Liberty Podcast.Brazil's New Anti-NSA Fiber Network What's the latest news from the most recent home of the World Cup, and soon to be the Olympics? Well, nothing much. Just that Brazil is putting together a brand new fiber optic network for the sole purpose of avoiding the snooping of the NSA. So says the EPJ:

This past week Brazil announced that it will be building a 3,500-mile fiber-optic cable to Portugal in order to avoid the grip of the NSA.What’s more, they announced that not a penny of the $185 million expected to be spent on the project will go to American firms, simply because they don’t want to take any chances that the US government will tap the system.It’s incredible how far now individuals, corporations, and even governments are willing to go to protect themselves from the government of the Land of the Free.

It truly is incredible! My what massive goodwill we've built up around the world. It used to be that everyone wanted to be like the US, and now it seems like everyone simply wants to hide from us as much as possible. Glorious new world!Three Maps - "Gays, Guns and Ganja" Show Progress For Libertarian Causes Skeptical Libertarian has collected some nifty maps highlighting progress for personal liberties across the nation. As he points out, we rightly complain, but there is hope as these major signs of advancement are highly encouraging. I've included the Ganja map below - click on over there to check out the rest and the commentary that accompanies them.ganjaRead The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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