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TMR: U.N. Upset Over USA's Marijuana Legalization, L.A. Wants Handguns Locked Up At Home, and Uninsured Obamacare Fines Set to Triple

Your Thursday Morning Roar! U.N. Drug Agency Says U.S. States' Legalization of Marijuana Goes Against International LawDid you ask for one more reason to hate the U.N. and world government? Then today is your lucky day. The U.N.'s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Chief expressed his discontent with the liberty-loving movement of drug legalization and decriminalization that has refreshingly taken the country by storm (on a state-by-state level anyway). According to Reuters, Yury Fedotov of the UNODC said:

"I don't see how (the new laws) can be compatible with existing conventions," Yury Fedotov, executive director of the  United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), told reporters.Asked whether there was anything the UNODC could do about it, Fedotov said he would raise the problem next week with the U.S. State Department and other U.N. agencies.

I doubt that the U.S. will bow to the wishes of the U.N. - but it's still upsetting to see how opposed to this logical progression the U.N. is. For a collection that is routinely seen as pretty outspoken on individual rights and liberties, often advocating for military actions to protect the rights of individuals across the globe, it's utterly contradictory for that same group to come out bashing the U.S. for its progressive drug policies that will liberate millions of currently jailed individuals and would-be criminals under arcane, rights-infringing drug laws.New World Order; Old World Philosophy on Drugs.Proposed Los Angeles Ordinance Demands Handguns Be Locked Up In Homes California is a horrible place to be a gun owner. Not only has 4-time Governor Jerry Brown (the fact that this man was elected FOUR! times tells you all you need to know about the majority of simpletons in the town I currently call home) signed into law a bill that encourages family members to rat out blood-kin to the police to have their firearms removed. But the latest ordinance in Los Angeles County, CA has set its sights on forcing people to keep their guns under lock and key at all times in their own homes.From the LA Times:

A newly proposed Los Angeles city ordinance would require residents to secure handguns when they aren’t being used, either by storing them in a locked container or disabling them with a trigger lock.City Councilman Paul Krekorian, who proposed the measure, said that California law requires trigger locks to be sold with firearms, yet “there is no requirement that [they] actually be used.”“It is unconscionable to have a weapon in your home and not have it be stored properly, especially if you have children,” Blumenfield said at a Friday news conference alongside Krekorian.

While I agree that you probably should store your weapon properly in a safe or with some sort of safety measure, there is no way that the government should be telling an individual how they can handle their own property in their own home. Additionally, this ordinance is unfair to those who may have physical disabilities, or simply those that aren't great under pressure when a robber or rapist is beating down their door.Some people may not be able to operate a safe or safety lock while under duress when the gun needs to be readily available to be fired. The elderly or those with arthritis might have quite a bit of difficulty opening a safe and the difference in time that it would take to open a safe vs. simply opening a drawer could lead to death.But that's all secondary to the simple point that what an individual does with their property in my their own home is their business and no one else's. Least of all the LA City Council.Obamacare Sets Phasers On "Stun" ...and TAXObamacare! Not only is it enticing school districts to farm out substitutes from out of state to avoid having to pay healthcare costs, but it's also rubbing its greedy hands together and licking its chops for the massive tax penalties its about to collect from everyday Americans. According to CBS in D.C., the penalty for not signing up for  Affordable Care Act insurance is set to triple!

Uninsured Americans who decide not to enroll will face a penalty of $325 per person, more than tripling the $95 penalty those who did not enroll had to pay the first time around.Children under the age of 18 will be fined $162.50. The maximum amount an  uninsured family will be penalized is $975 under the flat-rate method.

Hear that? That was the click of the trigger being pulled back by the U.S. government on the economic gun they have held to your head.

CBS News reports that many Obamacare plans will be charging more as a 27-year-old earning 250 percent of the poverty rate will now have to pay an average of 7 percent more for the lowest-cost bronze plan. The analysis from Investor’s Business Daily found that the lowest-cost silver plan will rise 9 percent and the lowest-priced catastrophic policy will go up by 18 percent.The  Health and Human Services Department said earlier this week that between 9 to 9.9 million Americans will receive health care plans through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces for next year’s coverage. That’s lower than the 13 million estimated by the Congressional Budget Office.

GOP, you've got the power - lets see you put your money where your mouth is and repeal this terrible act ASAP.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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