TMR: WashPo Warns of Obama's Executive Order "Murky-ness", TN Education Commish Resigns Over Common Core Scandal, and 85% of Students Boycott Michelle O Lunches in WI School

Clear the room and lock the door - it's time for your private time with The Morning Roar! Wash Post Warns Obama's Executive Amnesty Pushes Executive Authority Into Murky Areas When the typically liberal Washington Post is questioning your use of Executive Orders to further highly controversial political plans, and warns that you're pushing past any previous presidential precedent (how about that alliteration?!), maybe you should take a step back and reconsider.

President Obama’s expected action lifting the threat of deportation from millions of undocumented immigrants, which could come as early as this week, will expand the authority of the executive branch into murky, uncharted territory.The path is built on the long-accepted principle, going at least as far back as the 1970s, that any administration should have wide discretion over how it deals with those who are in this country illegally. However, Obama is poised to take that leeway significantly farther than before.The move is certain to bring criticism that Obama has gone too far — ignoring the intent of Congress in passing the nation’s immigration statutes and violating the constitutional requirement that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”There is no small paradox — or, as his critics say, hypocrisy — in the fact that this potential showdown is being engineered by a president with a background as a constitutional law scholar and former senator, who frequently criticized the George W. Bush administration for what he said was an overreach of executive power.

Of course, we're no strangers to Obama abusing Executive Orders and also completely reversing course on statements he made before he took office. It's always entertaining to watch clips of "candidate" Obama vs. "president" Obama. Here's one such clip. all leaves the GOP-controlled Congress with some interesting options.

The options available for Congress include veto-proof legislation to rescind any executive action or cut off funds to implement the new regulations. Congress has a third option that would be an even heavier legislative lift: impeachment, which would require a majority vote in the House and a two-thirds vote in the Senate.

I wrote about a bill that was proposed that could end Obama's (and future presidents') abuse of Executive Orders previously in an edition of the now-defunct  "Bill Watch!"

H.R. 367: Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2013 (The REINS Act)Summary: To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law.

OK, here is a real summary, since that one wasn’t exactly clear. What this bill does is change chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, from the current language, which allows federal agencies with regulatory powers to enact new rules 60 days after submitting them to Congress. As of right now, Congress can issue a “joint resolution of disapproval,” killing the new rule, however knowing how Congress operates, this rarely happens or rarely happens within 60 days of the rule being submitted. Typically, there isn’t agreement, thus no joint resolution is issued, or the rule isn’t reviewed properly and thus passes unopposed. The old laws also allowed the President to issue an executive order (that also could meet with a joint resolution of disapproval…but again, this never happens) and that executive order could and would continue in perpetuity.The new changes tackle these two issues in the following ways:1. All new regulatory rules must be submitted to Congress and “Major Rules ” can not be enacted unless Congress approves of them within 70 days of their introduction. If they aren’t approved within 70 days, the rule is considered rejected rather than auto-approved. This is a huge difference-maker.2. Executive orders from Obama or any other future president will be submitted to Congress (and tragically will still quickly go into effect without a joint resolution opposing) but are capped at 90 days duration. So at least broader regulatory oversteps by acting presidents will be reigned in (thus the nickname for the bill).This bill should be railroaded through Congress just as so many others have. It would solve a heap of problems, yet here we sit as Dictator Obama threatens to cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war.Tennessee Education Commissioner Resigns Amidst Core Competency Results Cover-Up Common Core - the education system pushed by the Obama administration which confuses the hell out of students and parents alike - has claimed a rightful victim in TN Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman, who resigned amidst scandal last week. What was that scandal? Covering up horrible test scores from his state's schools, which were forced to use common core by ol' Kevin, who has tight ties to Obama.From's Michael Lofti:

Last Summer, 16 Republican legislators called for Huffman’s resignation after performing what many considered to be illegal maneuvers to cover-up Tennessee’s poor Common Core results.“In the past three years we have required compliance, transparency and excellence from our teachers and school systems. We expect our government officials to set the example and be held to the same level of accountability. We are Tennessee, not Washington DC. Commissioner Huffman has lost the integrity to be able to lead education efforts in our state,” said State Rep. Sheila Butt (R- Columbia) last Summer.Local media has covered the resignation extensively. However, not a single media source felt it was necessary to report one critical detail. The fact that State Rep. Billy Spivey (R-Lewisburg) and State Sen. Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma) launched a legal formal investigation into Huffman’s maneuvers has been omitted from every report.The status of that investigation is unknown.

That Obama - he sure knows how to pick em! Awful education choices are just a drop in the bucket amongst all other things his terrible taste has slathered across this nation.85% of Students at Wisconsin HS Boycott Michelle's Lunches I recently covered the story of Meghan Hellrood, the young girl who had promised a boycott of her highschool's lunch program, which was forcing inadequate, tasteless lunches on students, resulting in hungry kids and an awful lot of food waste. Well, to follow that original story up with some good news for those of us who subscribe to the notion that the government shouldn't control what kids can or can't eat, and in what quantities, Meghan is reporting that 85% of the students at D.C. Everest High School took part in her boycott. From EAG News:

The D.C. Everest High School senior organized the boycott of the “healthy” overhaul of her school’s lunches, which came as the result of an effort championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.“We looked at our lunches, and we were like, you know we’re not being served anything that’s really that healthy and we’re just being served really small portions of processed foods and we want more healthy options,” Hellrood tells WSAW.“The whole point of this, the boycott (is) we wanted for the media to get involved so that essentially Washington and the federal government can look at this and say wow kids across the nation aren’t happy with our act here. Maybe we should revise it,” according to the senior.

Did this draw the interest of the Feds? You betcha!

WSAU confirms the Feds contacted the school when the USDA caught wind of the planned protest.“High School Principal Tom Johansen confirmed that federal officials have been in contact with the district’s Food Service Manager Christine Welsh to get feedback and suggestions,” according to the radio station.

See, kids of America? You just all need to arrange massive boycotts of this awful starvation culture to get your freedom back. So get on it then meet me after for a pizza party. Free toppings for everyone!The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday right here at Lions of Liberty!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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