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Morning Roar: GOP Opposition To DC Legal Pot, Swiss Gold Referendum Rejected, Cop Caught Groping Woman

Start your week off with a healthy dose of liberty, in Monday’s edition of The Morning Roar!GOP Congressman Wants To Dismantle New DC Marijuana LawIn a story that provides more evidence that lawmakers lag significantly behind the people, one GOP congressman is pursuing a path to block the implementation of decriminalized marijuana in Washington, D.C.The Hill reports:

Rep. Andy Harris said he "absolutely" intends to launch a push to dismantle the new law when Congress returns with an empowered GOP majority in the 114th Congress.The Maryland Republican, who led the GOP's charge this year against a separate D.C. law decriminalizing the drug, said the newer legalization statute poses an even greater health risk for young people in the nation's capital."It's obviously even worse for D.C.'s teenagers and young adults than the decriminalization," Harris said Thursday.Harris had contemplated a move to try to block the legalization law as part of Congress's funding debate in this year's lame-duck session, but because of time restraints he said he's now eying action in early 2015."We have 30 legislative days [and] we probably don't have eight legislative days left this year, so it'll definitely go into the next Congress," he said. "We can still do things in the next Congress [when] we'll have more votes, more favorable votes."

The most serious threat marijuana poses to youth is one that the U.S. government created. Of course, I’m referring to the threat of being thrown in jail for the non-violent “crime” of ingesting a plant.Luckily, politicians that hold anti-marijuana views similar to Mr. Harris’ are becoming scarce. Eventually, even the most ardent anti-marijuana politicians will have to accept the end of prohibition or risk being publically ridiculed for their archaic views.Swiss Gold Referendum RejectedThe bankers won this battle, by scaring the people of Switzerland to vote to maintain the fiat money status quo.From Zero Hedge:

Whether as a result of an unprecedented  scare campaign by the Swiss National Bank (most recently reinforced by Citigroup), or due to confidence that Swiss gold is as safe abroad as it is at home, or simply due to good old-fashioned "hanging chads", today's most awaited event has come and gone and the result - according to early projections by Swiss television SRF -  is that the Swiss population overwhelmingly rejected a referendum to force the Swiss National Bank to hold some 20% of its reserves in gold in a landslide vote, with about 78% voting against what  AP politely termed "protecting the country's wealth by investing in gold."As  Bloomberg reports, the proposal stipulating the Swiss National Bank hold at least 20 percent of its 520-billion-franc ($540 billion) balance sheet in gold was voted down by 78 percent to 22 percent, according to projections by Swiss television SRF as of 1:00 p.m. local time. The initiative “Save Our Swiss Gold” also would have prohibited the SNB from ever selling any of its bullion and required the 30 percent currently stored in Canada and the U.K. to be repatriated.

It will be interesting to see how the gold market responds to the referendum’s defeat. Gold has rebounded some in the past few weeks after dropping below $1200, but some market analysts predict that gold prices could go even lower.Cop Caught Groping WomanVideos don’t lie.The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday right here at Lions of Liberty!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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