Morning Roar: "Stand With Hillary", Tim Loehman Unfit For Police Duty, Utah to Seize Land Back From Feds

It's the first Friday in December, which means you most likely have officially slowed down your work efforts leading into the Holidays! I know I have! So, all the more time to read The Morning Roar! "Stand With Hillary" Country Music Video Is Hilariously Bad and Appropriate I had to start with this, seeing as it's so utterly ridiculous and hilarious and sums up perfectly the liberal mindset when it comes to choosing a candidate. A Super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton has funded a music video titled "Stand With Hillary," featuring an unintelligible cowboy and lyrics that you may have been able to pull from a 4 year old had that 4 year old been brainwashed with Clinton campaign videos in a shack deep in the New Hampshire woods. Give it a watch (briefly).Welcome back! Now then, let's just break this down for our own enjoyment, beginning with the twanging echoing guitar riff that harkens back to a simpler time in the 1990s. I honestly thought Chris Isaac had pulled us out of that funk, but here we are getting sucked right back in. I guess this type of sound was popular back when Bill was in office?  They make reference to how "hindsight was right," and then show a pic of ol' Slick Willy, so I'll presume that's the reason.Cue cliche opening images of the Cowboy driving a truck...working construction...and then eating food with his family. All things that we know and associate with Hillary Clinton! Though I suppose we do associate the Clintons with land development...due to the Whitewater Scandal.Then we really get into the deep references that will wrap around your heart and soul like a blanket made of socialist dreams when the Cowboy smashes a glass ceiling, and sings "let's smash this glass ceiling!" UTTER GENIUS.They remind us that Hillary Clinton is a: "Mother, daughter and loving (really? that's not holding up under a lie detector) wife." This refrain is repeated about 4 times in the song. Because THAT is the really important part, right? That's what people should be voting for."She fights for country and my family" ...she certainly does love to fight! She loves war and bombing the Middle East more than even John McCain.This is really one of the most awful things I have ever watched. It's not catchy or clever, includes an unlikable goober singing and naturally has absolutely nothing in it about her politics. Stand with hillary, stand up with Hillary. CLAP BREAK!"Don’t matter if you’re living across this great land in a red or a blue state...Cuz' (they literally, literally type out 'cuz' in the video to connect with your average American who doesn't speak or write proper English) your American dream is at stake and there are hard choices that need to be made." - just like those "hard choices" in Benghazi that she made, right? Those worked out so brilliantly!The next bit is wholly unintelligible but has some lyrics - if they can even be dubbed as such."We’re needing a leader (rhyming! ...kind of!) who is tough and ready who’s got vision...(completely unintelligible singing followed this with NO text lyrics, then...) "and that’s my final decision!!"HAHAHAHA that one portion sums up liberal voters! Untintelligible political points from a candidate, but they have to vote for her because she’s a Democrat and that’s their final decision! They cannot be swayed! HAHAHA I'm crying laughing!Please keep it up, Stand With Hillary PAC. Rand, if you're reading this, have your team take notes on exactly what not to do.Cleveland Cop Tim Loehman Who Shot 12 Year Old Was "Unfit For Duty" 2 Years PreviousSadly, we return to more sobering topics. In the midst of the Eric Garner atrocity (and I include both the horrible act of murder by the NYPD and the equally disgusting non-indictment therein, which is discussed by John Odermatt in today's Felony Friday column), the situation surrounding slain 12 year old Tamir Rice has been pushed to the back burner. However, disturbing news broke today about the officer that shot the boy, which undeniably leads one to question why he was trusted to enforce the law with a loaded and deadly weapon at all. From the Huffington Post:

The Cleveland police officer who fatally shot a 12-year-old holding a replica gun in November was deemed unsuited for police service two years ago, newly released documents show.Timothy Loehmann, now 26, was employed by the City of Independence Police Department in Independence, Ohio, for six months in 2012, the Guardian reports. In an internal memo from that November, Independence Deputy Chief Jim Polak criticized Loehmann’s behavior during a firearms training."He could not follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal," the memo, available in full at, states."I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct the deficiencies,” Polak wrote.Loehmann quit the force days after Polak’s memo was sent out, citing “personal reasons.” His personnel file classified him as “eligible for rehire,” WOIO reports.He was hired by the City of Cleveland in March 2014. It’s unclear whether or not Cleveland officials ever saw the memo before he was hired.

I would imagine that they did not see such a damning report - the inefficiency of bureaucracy! And that oversight or willingness to overlook a clearly mentally unstable man has led to the death of a child. A child shot within 2 seconds of "peace" officer Loehman pulling up in a police cruiser next to him.Utah to Seize Back Land From Federal GovernmentThis is a situation to watch on a national level, as Utah becomes the first state to take on the federal government in order to reclaim land in its borders that is under federal control. From the Washington Times:

In three weeks, Utah intends to seize control of 31.2 million acres of its own land now under the control of the federal government. At least, that’s the plan.In an unprecedented challenge to federal dominance of Western state lands, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert in 2012 signed the “Transfer of Public Lands Act,” which demands that Washington relinquish its hold on the land, which represents more than half of the state’s 54.3 million acres, by Dec. 31.With the 2012 law, Utah placed itself on the cutting edge of the heated debate over public lands in the West. The federal government controls more than 50 percent of the land west of Kansas — in Utah’s case, it’s 64.5 percent, a situation that has increasingly resulted in tensions across the Rocky Mountain West.

A study was taken to determine the cost benefit to the state in taking back control of this massive amount of land, which showed that the state would stand to make a profit of over $100m. Additionally...

The study also found that while small amounts of federal ownership could stimulate economic growth in counties, such management becomes a “drag” on most counties after they reach 40 percent to 45 percent ownership, adding that, “twenty of Utah’s 29 counties exceed this threshold.”

When has federal ownership of anything been anything other than a drag?To me, on principle alone, the states should have control of their own lands - having the federal government control over half of the state's resources is insanity, and also terrifying should any sort of secession situation occur. All states should look to Utah and begin to take back what's theirs. Then individuals should follow the lead of their state and take back their land from the heavy hand of the coercive government.The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday right here at Lions of Liberty!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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