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Morning Roar: NYPD "Cop of the Year" Busted for Cocaine, Ben Swann Interviews Pro-Rioting Ferguson Protestor, and Disturbing New Video of Eric Garner's Killer

Start your week right, with me (!),your friendly neighborhood liberty editor-in-chief, and The Morning Roar!NYPD "Cop of the Year" Busted for CocaineIt's hasn't been a great last week or so for the NYPD, PR-wise. First, the man who killed loosey-selling entrepreneur Eric Garner via chokehold on video (more about him later) wasn't indicted for the act, which seemed to many observers to be an obvious case of an officer stepping way over the line in the prosecution of his duties.Now, the NYPD has another PR nightmare on its hands, as officer Philip Leroy - who was NYPD "cop of the year" just two years ago -  was busted for attempting to traffic ten kilos (yowza!) of cocaine. John Vibes of The Free Thought Project reports:

LeRoy was lured down to Sunrise City, Florida by cheap wholesale cocaine, which he had reportedly planned to buy 10 kilos of, at a discounted price.Unfortunately for LeRoy, the cocaine was so cheap because the whole deal was a set up, a reverse sting operation organized by the Sunrise City Police Department, who is well-known nationwide for planning fake drug deals to entrap potential buyers. “Sunrise PD does this thing called forfeiture, which are like reverse drug-deal stings, where cops pose as dealers selling very cheap cocaine. They’re known for these kind of big busts. You got to be pretty stupid to do this deal in Sunrise,”  a police spokesman told the NY Post.LeRoy and two of his associates were arrested just before midnight on Monday in Sunrise City, for participating in the set-up.The 28-year-old NYPD detective was charged with felony weapons possession, cocaine trafficking and conspiracy to traffic cocaine. Shortly after the incident, LeRoy was suspended from the NYPD.

There are more layers of irony in this case than there are in a rainbow layer cake. According to the NY Post, LeRoy has made 183 arrests in his first three years with the NYPD. Without taking the time to look up every single arrest on Philip LeRoy's record (what,  you want research on this site? Pft!), it's fairly safe for us to presume that he has made his fair share of drug busts in his day, violating the rights of many individuals who were doing nothing more than possessing a certain plant or chemical compound. And now, thousands of miles away, he gets to feel the butt end of what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a rights-violating arrest.Some interesting insight can be found by listening to the defense put forward by Philip LeRoy's lawyer in this matter:

Ironically, LeRoy’s defense attorney Jason Rosner told reporters that the drug stings are actually not intended to keep the citizens of Sunrise City safe, but instead are designed to make the Sunrise City Police Department a lot of money. “I honestly think it’s about money,” Rosner said.Sunrise police did manage to take $197,109 in cash and a 2010 Honda SUV in the sting operation.

Aha! Money! Ya don't say!Philip LeRoy wasn't harming anyone by attempting to purchase the ten kilos of cocaine. It's likely, due to the low cost advertised and his experience with drug busts as an NYPD officer, he saw a massive profit opportunity with the huge margins he could make on the ten kilos of cocaine. LeRoy clearly had no moral objection to profiting off of drug trafficking despite a career spent fighting it.Philip LeRoy was simply out to make a buck, much as the Sunrise Police Department was in it's attempts to arrest Philip LeRoy, and it's hard to feel sympathy for anyone involved in this matter.Ultimately, the Sunrise Police Department and Philip LeRoy were only exploiting laws supported by the vast majority of the population, who generally have a poor conception of individual rights, and this is where the focus must remain to effectively fight the wider War on Drugs.For more on the disastrous side effects of the War on Drugs, check out my interview with Dr. Mark Thornton from the Lions of Liberty Podcast!Ben Swann Interview Pro-Rioting Ferguson ProtestorThis has to be seen to be believed. And sadly it must be believed, if we are to understand many of the intellectual hurdles we have to overcome. Here, our friend Ben Swann debates Alexis Templeton, a Ferguson protestor who actually defends the destruction of property as a means of protests. my social media feeds are any indication, Ms. Templeton is not alone in her views. The bad philosophy which grips our society is what leads to people holding such confused and disturbing positions, and is what must be combated in order to achieve a more peaceful society - a society which doesn't see violence as a solution to problems, but rather a "break glass in case of emergency" last resort used only in defense.Be sure to check out! Disturbing New Video Emerges of Eric Garner's KillerThis video speaks for itself. Take special note of 6:55, when Daniel Pantaleo, who had just killed Eric Garner via chokehold,  gleefully waves at the camera as Garner's still warm body lays mere feet away. concur with our own Felony Friday author John Odermatt (and Rand Paul!) that rights-violating bans and taxes, supported by the majority of the populace (there's that pesky bad philosophy again!) are the root cause of violent altercations between police and citizens that are all too commonplace nowadays. At least in some cases, a pure psychopath will end up in the role of police officer, and be granted the "above the law" status society tends to place them in, and Eric Garner's killer, Daniel Pantaleo, appears to be one such psychopath.The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday right here at Lions of Liberty!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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