Morning Roar: Interview With Eric Garner’s Stepfather, Concealed Carry For CO Pot Users, Biden’s ‘Godfather’ Moment

Get your headphones out because today’s edition of The Morning Roar is packed with video content.Eric Garner’s Stepfather Speaks-out The Free Thought Project has obtained an exclusive video interview with Benjamin Carr, Eric Garner’s stepfather. The video has the watermark “preview” over the video footage because it is going to be part of a documentary on police misconduct.Before we get to the video let’s quickly review some of the facts that are widely known regarding this case. First, Eric Garner had been arrested more than thirty times since the mid 80s. Second, the reason for the arrest which resulted in his death was for the “crime” of selling loose cigarettes. Third, the state of New York made more than $1.6 million off of cigarette taxes in 2011. Fourth, the officer who choked Eric Garner to death, Daniel Pantaleo, has been sued three times for allegedly violating the constitutional rights of other black males. Lastly, the cigarette excise tax causes NYC to lose close to $100 million a year in tax revenue due to cigarette tax evasion caused by decrease in retail sale (i.e. what Eric Garner was doing.)Now that we have the facts. Here’s the video:When Mr. Garner’s stepfather is asked if Eric was singled out because of his race, he responds, “I wouldn’t really say [he was killed] because Eric was a black man. It’s due to the fact that they stole money from him and refused to give him his money, and he filed charges against them. This is why they had a vendetta against him."This is the first mention of Eric Garner having filed charges against the NYPD. There have not been any records of these charges made public at this time. For now all we have are Benjamin Carr’s words.The more that is released about the case the more I become enraged that a grand jury did not indict this psychopath cop. Most of the media has focused on race. This is not surprising, but it does not fully represent all of the factors that led the police officers into a confrontation with Eric Garner that fateful day. This story cannot be legitimately covered without recognizing that the confrontation would not have occurred if there was not a cigarette excise tax or if police were not directed to target those funneling cigarette sales to the black market. But this cop also shares the blame. There's a good chance Eric Garner could be alive today if psychopathic police officer Daniel Pantaleo had called in sick that fateful day.Maybe Eric Garner was harassed because he was black, maybe it was because he was selling cigarettes on the black market, or possibly it was because he was pursuing legal action against the police department. It could have been a combination of all these factors. One thing is for sure: in a civilized society, none of the three scenarios justify choking a man to death.Concealed Carry For CO Pot UsersLast time I checked, in states that allow concealed carry, people who drink alcohol or take prescription drugs are allowed to apply for and receive a concealed carry license. So why would the rules differ for an individual living in a state that has legalized medical and recreation marijuana? Shouldn’t they also be allowed to apply for a concealed carry permit if they admit to using marijuana?A recent article in the Washington Times reports that a gun-rights group, Guns for Everyone, recently launched an initiative campaign to allow legal marijuana users in Colorado to obtain their concealed handgun permits.From the Washington Times:

Edgar Antillon, co-founder of Guns for Everyone in Westminster, known for providing free concealed carry classes, said he had filed a proposed ballot measure that would bring Colorado’s gun laws in line with its legal recreational and medical marijuana laws.“Basically, we just want to sync up Colorado’s marijuana laws with our concealed carry permit laws,” Mr. Antillon said.His group, the Colorado Campaign for Equal Gun Rights, needs 86,105 signatures to qualify the initiative for the ballot. While he said he would prefer to see the measure land on the ballot as soon as November 2015, it might be more realistic to wait for the November 2016 ballot.“In 2015, not as many people show up,” Mr. Antillon said. “We might have a better chance in 2016.”The County Sheriffs of Colorado concealed handgun permit application now asks if “you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

This initiative, if it makes the ballot in 2015 or 2016, presents a very convincing argument for libertarians to vote. The right to own a firearm and to protect one’s property and life is a natural right, but under the current laws this right is being infringed upon by coercive governments. It is always good for liberty to push back and initiate the repeal of these intrusions whenever possible.Biden’s ‘Godfather’ MomentThe Vice President gave a speech at a women’s rights charity called Vital Voices. The event celebrated “men who combat violence against women.”The Daily Caller reports that VP Biden told a story about his youth that was remarkably similar to a scene in “The Godfather,” in which Sonny Corleone pummels Carlo Rizzi for abusing his sister.From the Daily Caller:

“I remember coming back from Mass on Sunday,” Biden explained, according to the Beast. “Always the big treat was, we’d stop at the donut shop.”His father was waiting in the car, as was the custom, he said. On this occasion, Biden’s sister, Valerie, “tugged on” the future vice president’s arm and said, “‘That’s the boy who kicked me off my bicycle.’”Once the family got home, Biden swore, he hopped on his bicycle and returned to the donut shop. The boy was still there, he said, “leaning down on one of those slanted counters.”Next, Biden attested: “I walked up behind him and smashed his head next to the counter.”But that’s not all. Oh, no.“His father grabbed me, and I looked at his son and said, ‘If you ever touch my sister again, I’ll come back here again and I’ll kill your son.’”

Here’s the scene from “The Godfather” for comparison.Joey Biden has lost his mind. Some people would look at this story and hope that he doesn’t run for President. I say, bring it on. I want to see how ridiculous Biden can get!And of course, read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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