Top 10 Most Read Felony Friday Articles In 2014

When I started to write a daily Felony Friday feature in May of 2013, incidents that caused the masses to question police abuse of power did not frequently make it to the mainstream news cycle. Even my personalized social media feeds were not populated with reports of police gone wild or the enforcement of ridiculous laws. Most of the stories I reported on I had to dig to find and rarely added my own commentary to stories that the mainstream media chose to report.Over the past year and a half this has changed. But the change has not necessarily been for the good. The incidents of questionable police behavior the media has chosen to report have done more to cloud issues than to add clarity. The media have repeatedly picked ambiguous cases where it is not clear if the police or the purported criminal is in the wrong. Unfortunately, this has caused a gigantic rift between those that are pro-police and those that question police tactics, laws, and possible racial motivations. There are no clear measures being taken to mend this rift.The goal of Felony Friday is to identify situations of clear police abuse or to point out laws that violate individual rights. In many of these cases, it is an unjust law itself which should be the true crime.In order to take a step forward as a society, the law enforcement system and the laws being enforced need to be structured with respect to the rights of the individual. Law enforcement and laws should be based upon consent. Certainly there are many crimes, like murder, theft, and assault that do not require consent for enforcement. This is because the act itself is an unjustified use of force against another individual or their property.I'll take a step down off my soapbox and get to the content promised in the title of this post. These articles are the ten most popular Felony Friday articles in 2014. I say in 2014 and not from 2014 because two of them were written in 2013, but continued to receive enough views in 2014 to make the top 10 list.Please share this top ten list if you find it interesting and please share the individual articles below. Most of these stories were not reported by the mainstream media in 2014, so it's up to "new media" to report on bad laws and police gone wild.10. Florida Toughens Marijuana Paraphernalia Law9. CT Officials Create More Than A Quarter Million Felons8. Father Calls Cops On Son For Giving Cannabis Oil To Grandpa7. Cop Replies To Email While Driving And Kills Man, Will Not Face Charges6. Fed Employee Is Charged With Felony For Threatening To Kill Boss5. Massachusetts Panel Wants Arrest To Disqualify Firearm Ownership4. D.C. Cop Charged With Production Of Child Pornography Found Dead3. Teen Who Potentially Faced Life For Pot Brownies Agrees To Plea Deal2. Felon Arrested Trying To Sell Gun At Gun Show1. Should Felons Have Second Amendment Rights Restored Upon ReleaseCheck out the full archive of Felony Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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