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UK Police Encourage Victims to Not Be Victims By Being Victims

Is that headline ridiculous and nonsensical? If so, then it accurately reflects the methods that police in the United Kingdom are recommending people use in order to avoid becoming a victim of a knife attack.But first, why the specific concern over knife attacks?Well, knife crime has for years been on the rise in the United Kingdom, particulularly since strict gun control laws were passed in 1997 which essentially made the ownership of all firearms illegal for ordinay citizens. The result was not a lowering of crime rates - quite the opposite - but also a drastic increase in violent crimes committed via knife.The chart below from ZeroHedge demonstrates how homocides have increased dramatically in the UK in the face of further gun control laws, and unsurprisingly crimes involving knives have risen dramatically as access to guns has decreased.EnglandHomicides The response to this from UK politicians is of course - more banning! The same "logic" that was used to ban guns is now being used in a push to ban knives. Indeed, there is already a ban on people under the age of eighteen from purchasing even plastic knives!It's clear to any rationally thinking person that banning specific objects used to commit crimes is not an effective method in curbing said crimes. Instead, it merely bars citizens from possessing items which may in fact help defend themselves against those crimes, thus the increased rates of homocides should not be shocking.Now police in the UK are offering some advice to potential victims on just how to "not be a victim." Let's see what sort of advice they offer up (emphasis mine):

Don't be a victim

If you feel you are in immediate danger from knife crime there are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself:

  • Move away from the situation towards a public place (shop, house, restaurant etc.) as quickly as possible.
  • Make as much noise as you can.
  • Instead of carrying a knife, carry a personal alarm.
  • Don't fight back.

The first two suggestions aren't necessarily bad advice on their own for anyone who finds themselves in a situation without the ability to defend themselves. The next two suggestions however explicity encourage people to be victims by first asking them to disarm themslves of a tool which could be very useful in self defense. If that weren't enough, they then flaty state that victims should not fight back. They are essentially saying "BE A VICTIM."Let's hope the citizens of the United Kingdom snap out of their nanny state euphoria, and realize that embracing this victimhood mentality in favor of further righrts-restricting laws and regulations on the ownership of inanimate objects will only increase the number of victims.Maybe they'll even consider giving a little more freedom a shot?The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Join our Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum

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