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Thoughts on Preventing Terrorism

The recent events in Paris have caused me to think a lot about ISIS and what if anything we should do about it. They are a murderous bunch of savages that have taken control of a population and are plotting attacks against us and our allies. The calls for us to "do something" have already started and I wonder if there is anything that we can or should do?Practically speaking, there are actions that come to mind that I know would be mistakes. The following are lessons that I hope we have learned from the 'War on Terror."1. Overthrowing secular dictators usually causes more harm than good.Leaders like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad are definitely bad guys but the resulting power vacuum often leads to civil war and creates openings for radical Islamist groups who are much worse than the previous leaders.2. Supporting repressive regimes causes the indigenous population to hate us.It's a bad idea to get involved in toppling these regimes but it also doesn't mean we should support them. I can't believe we call a country like Saudi Arabia an ally even if it is in our economic interest.3. Occupying foreign nations breeds resentment and increases the chances of attacks upon American interests.I take terrorists at their word when they say they attack us because we're over there. How would we feel if another nation occupied the United States and tried to determine our future for us?4. Drone strikes and bombing campaigns kill a whole lot of innocent people whose loved ones are going to hate us and be more likely to become terrorists.It's an unacceptable amount of collateral damage in my opinion5. Arming Islamist rebels is a bad idea even if you have a common enemy.They may advance our cause for a period of time but eventually those arms will be used against us. This happened with the Taliban and I would bet that the arms used in the embassy attack in Benghazi came from the US.6. Giving up our own freedoms to try to prevent future attacks is a win for the terrorists.We can never be completely safe from attacks. We've been focused on stopping the next 9/11 but something as simple as what just happened in Paris could easily happen here and there is no possible way to become 100% safe from that. I don't know if we're any safer than we were in 2001 but we have definitely given up a lot of our privacy and some of our rights.So, are there things we can do?I've been thinking about this and have brainstormed some possibilities. Please let me know if I'm off the mark on any of these.1. Strengthen our border security and fix our immigration process.I'm all for people coming to America to make better lives for themselves but we need to know if people coming in are violent criminals or terrorists. In general I think the immigration process should be made easier but people coming from countries with large terror organizations should probably have a more stringent and thorough screening process.2. Share intelligence with our allies.We should be working closely with our allies like France to share information that could identify potential terrorists or stop any kind of plot.3. Judiciously use our Special Forces to conduct surgical strikes against terrorist elements.The Osama Bin Laden raid is an example of this type of activity.We can never be completely safe, but these are just a few of the thoughts I've had on this. If anyone else has any ideas, please come and join the discussion on the Lions of Liberty Forum Facebook group.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!