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2A Watch: President Obama to Make Gun Control Top Issue in 2016

The world’s greatest gun salesman has ratcheted up his sales pitch for his last year on the job.Gun store owners across the land rejoice!President Barack Obama’s time in office is winding down and he’s begun to discuss where he will focus his energy for the final year in office. The President made his top issue known in an interview that was published this week in GQ magazine.During the interview he told Bill Simmons that he hoped gun control would be the “dominant” issue during his last year in office.The Washington Times reported that Mr. Obama said the following:

We have this weird habit in this culture of mourning and, you know, 48, 72 hours of wall-to-wall coverage, and then … suddenly we move on. And I will do everything I can to make sure that there’s a sustained attention paid to this thing.

This is a curious statement from the President. Does he really believe this to be the case or is he playing politics?Essentially it sounds like the President has attributed the lack of support for gun control measures to a lack of focus in the general population. In my opinion this is a gross mischaracterization of the public's response to mass shootings. If this logic were correct, then all that would be needed to pass stricter gun control legislation would be constant reminders of mass shootings, which would assist with keeping people’s attention focused on guns.The inconvenient truth for gun control supporters is a majority of Americans still value the right to bear arms and are very reluctant to support measures that infringe upon this right. Their support for gun rights doesn't come from a penchant to forget mass shootings. Instead, the opposite is the case. The more those sympathetic to the Second Amendment hear about mass shootings or general domestic violence, the more likely they are to exercise their Second Amendment rights by purchasing a firearm.The President likely realizes that he does not have the support to push gun control through, so he is using this tactic as a political ploy to encourage the diehard gun control base that only a little more dedication is needed to reach their goals.In the last few months, the President has become more forceful when speaking about gun regulations. He sounds like a man who believes increased gun control measures are inevitable, which is a scary thought for many Americans. However, it will provide gun shop owners with possibly their most profitable year of his tenure, which would be quite an impressive feat considering the huge spikes in firearms sold during the Obama Presidency.Check out previous editions of Second Amendment Watch!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Join our private Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum

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