2A Watch: Senior Couple Holds Thief at Gunpoint During Robbery Attempt

Aaron Lujan, a twenty-six year-old Albuquerque man, landed in jail for the third time in a week when a husband and wife held him at gunpoint after they caught him casually stealing items from their garage.George Kennedy, seventy years-old, went into his garage and noticed a man loading his generator, power tools, and a large cooler into a sports utility vehicle. Instead of calling the police or cowering in fear, Kennedy took action.Guns.com reports on this heartwarming story:

Kennedy confronted the suspect, who was later identified as Aaron Lujan, 26, but Lujan – seemingly without a care in the world – simply ignored the homeowner and went about loading the stolen items into his vehicle.Kennedy then went back inside, called the police and retrieved a shotgun, while his wife, Rebecca, 66, grabbed her handgun. The couple walked back outside and – while both aiming their own guns at him – told Lujan to drop their belongings and put his hands up.Lujan then complied to the homeowner’s commands and no one was injured.

Advocates of gun control absolutely hate stories like this one out of Albuquerque. They obviously do not reject the outcome -  they aren’t evil after all. But they likely find the situation to be inconvenient for their cause.When individuals, especially those generally thought of as being weak, use firearms to even the playing field when attacked by stronger individuals, it helps to destroy the narrative that people don’t need guns for protection.Gun control advocates would have you believe that in a magical utopian society, where guns cease to exist, that all crime would be extinguished as well. They want you to believe that a world without guns is a world without crime.However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.The reality is many in our society do not need a gun to leverage the force necessary to perpetrate crime over others. In many cases, physical strength alone is enough to forcefully harm another individual or steal their property.But for those without the benefit of imposing physical strength, guns act as an equalizer. They give women the ability to stop a bigger, stronger male rapist. They give store owners a fighting chance to protect their merchandise when overrun by angry rioters. And, as in the case of the Kennedys, they help the elderly protect themselves when their bodies begin to fail.Gun control advocates believe unequivocally that the world would be a safer place without guns. But stories like this prove that the opposite is true.Check out previous editions of Second Amendment Watch!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Join our private Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum

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Brian McWilliams

Brian McWilliams is a native Philadelphian currently living in Los Angeles and practicing public relations and stand up comedy with equal aplomb. His passion and concern for liberty was realized during Ron Paul’s 2008 campaign, which shed light on the troubling initiatives our government was embracing that infringed on the tenets that the United States was founded upon. Brian is the host and producer of “Electric Libertyland,” the Lions of Liberty Podcast’s weekly Wednesday look at current events, culture and comedy through a liberty lens.


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