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Felony Friday: Iowa Republican Calls for Execution of Repeat Illegal Immigrant Felons

If you thought Donald Trump had the worst immigration policy in the Republican Party, then you would be incorrect my friend.Don’t get me wrong, Trump has been touting a dreadful illegal immigration policy during his presidential campaign. Most reasonable Americans recognize that Donald Trump’s promise to ship all illegal immigrants out of the country if elected president is not only inhumane, but also utterly impossible. Unfortunately, there are a significant number of Americans who naively believe Trump’s claims that he will make all the illegal immigrants disappear, build a massive wall along the southern border and allow only the “good” immigrant to come back in legally.It's bad enough that Trump has found support far and wide for his unrealistic and very likely right infringing immigration policy. But there is a GOP candidate running for congress in Iowa who has a more controversial stance on illegal immigration than even Donald Trump.State Senator Mark Chelgren claims to “believe in individual liberties” and claims to have a 100% approval rating from the ACLU and NRA. However, his insane views on how to handle illegal immigrant felons who try to return to the country run counter to a defense of individual liberties.The Knoxville Journal Express reported the state senators controversial plans for punishing undocumented immigrants in an interview published this week:

For border security, Chelgren believes a fence would define the border and control who enters and leaves. If one is found to have crossed into the country illegally, committed a felony while here, then been deported, he supports executing that individual if they break America's immigration laws a second time.“There is no reason to have felons here who threaten our way of life,” Chelgren said. He has complete respect for immigrants who follow the law and come to America to assimilate and build a better life.

Chelgren agrees with Trump that there should be a fence or wall on the southern border. But his proposal for handling illegal immigrants who return after being deported for committing a felony can be described as nothing short of complete insanity.He doesn’t even distinguish between violent or nonviolent felonies when advocating for their death if they attempt a return to the states. It is reasonable to believe Chelgren's policy would apply to an illegal who was deported for possessing or selling a bag of marijuana in a state where such an action is a felony. It’s hard to understand what kind of bizarre world Chelgren is living in where he thinks it is OK to condemn someone to death without trial simply for setting foot for back in the US after committing a felony. How’s that for freedom?Apparently, Mr. Chelgren doesn’t believe in the rule of law or trial by jury. No, in lil’ Markie Chelgren’s totalitarian dreamland it’s the two strike rule, with the second strike being death.Years ago - before I understood the vast incompetence and insanity that runs rampant through local, state, and the federal government - I would have been shocked to hear that a man with such barbaric views could be elected to public office. But at this point in my life absolutely nothing surprises me.Are Iowan's even are paying close enough attention to State Sen. Chelgren that they realize that a psychopath is serving in their state senate? If they aren't aware, then they better wake up pretty quick. It is essential for Iowans to quickly mobilize a campaign to stop this lunatic before he can take his perverted ideas to congress.Check out the full archive of Felony Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Join our Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum

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