GOP Debate #5 Live Blog! Is This Rand's Last Stand?

Why hello there liberty friends and maybe even foes (yes, fascists welcome here!). As you may know, we here at Lions of Liberty have taken on the arduous task of watching every single GOP and Democratic debate during this 2015-16 political cycle, and attempting to make sense of it all through this live blog and later, our reaction shows. Tonight we see the 5th installment of the Elephant side of things, and this may in fact the last time on the debate stage for good 'ol #Randypants, who qualified for this one by the skin of his teeth. So follow along here and/or over on our Twitter, and have a drink with us while you're at it!We'll start blogging the kiddie debate at 6pm EST / 3pm PST and follow that up with the big boy show around 8:30 EST/ 5:30 PST, so come on back now y'hear!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


Rand Pauluses and Minuses - Hanging On By The Skin Of His Teeth


Lions of Liberty Podcast Ep. 166: We Are Libertarians!