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Rand Pauluses and Minuses - Hanging On By The Skin Of His Teeth

#Randypants can finally stop sweating, as he has officially been included in CNN's debate tonight (which we'll be live blogging as usual, so come snark along with us!). He made the cut, as did a few others who surprised me, like one-percenters Kasich and Fiorina. This gives Rand one last gasp to make an impact.With that in mind, let's kick off this week's Pauluses and Minuses.Rand makes CNN Debate cutA couple weeks back I stated that I felt CNN would be kind to Paul after the Clinton Staffer/CNN flap. I can't directly say that CNN included Rand as a "make good," but they did allow him in based on "visibility" rather than the 4% cut off in polling they had previously stated was for entry into the debate.Either way, Paul is in and will be on the attack. I can't say I'm a fan of many of his most recent actions, but his taking the stage is a positive.- PAULUSRand rips Obama over "disqualification" statement on TrumpWhen I first read the headlines about Rand blasting the White House for saying Trump should be disqualified from being President, I thought Rand had defended Trump's idiotic rhetoric on banning Muslims. Thankfully I was wrong. Instead, Paul used disqualification as a platform to highlight all of the liberty crushing, unconstitutional actions Obama has taken in the past 6+ years that should disqualify him from acting as Commander in-Chief. A taste:

"Yesterday the Obama White House had the nerve to say someone else was unqualified for office," Paul said, in the first of a dozen tweets. He added in another, "Today I would like to put a mirror in front of the Obama White House and show them the top ten things that make HIM unqualified:"

1. Tried to take over 1/6 of economy in Obamacare, wrecked the system and hurt patients and taxpayers

— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) December 9, 2015

2. Thinks an executive order is legislation and how you make law

— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) December 9, 2015

Full list over at Politico. Great points by Paul and it's good to see he's still clinging to some of his principles despite his refugee ranting.

After meeting Rand, black pastor says community could support himDespite losing some black supporters, Rand is still actively courting the black community, specifically in support of changing laws - as well as the unfair enforcement of said laws -  that disproportionately effect black Americans. This past week he picked up some favor from a black pastor in Baltimore from the AME church group.

“I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I came to the meeting because the senator has long since been a champion for the African-American community with issues that are near and dear to our heart,” Pastor Jamal Bryant of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore told reporters.“I think that this election cycle is going to be transitional for the African-American electorate,” Bryant added. “That we will not necessarily vote along traditional party lines, around a personality, but around policy. And a lot of the policies that Sen. Rand represents align with a lot of the pain and the concern within the African-American community.”

This is great for Rand, but of course the topics that convinced the pastor to change his views may go unheard unless Rand finally brings up justice reform and the War on Drugs in this (possibly final for Rand) debate Tuesday night.- PAULUSRand runs truly terrible anti-refugee attack adNow it's time to bring this love fest back to earth.Rand has been on his stump yelling about refugees since the Paris attacks a few weeks back. His bill to ban all visas from 34 countries that he deemed hotbeds of jihadist activity failed miserably last week. But he didn't get the message and is now pushing out this attack ad going after Cruz and Rubio in ridiculous fashion.Does this gloom and doom ad remind anyone else of the TV promo from "Scrooged?" I recently watched it, as it's one of my all time favorite Christmas movies. Rand and his people must have caught it as well.This is just sad nativist garbage and frankly, I expect far more from Rand than this pathetic attempt to jump on the fear-mongering train. Reason has a good breakdown of the full commercial, and also on Rand's stances on immigration being weaker than either Rubio or Cruz in regards to cracking down on illegals.Throw this ad in the trash.- MINUSThe Current “Paulus-Minus” Tally: 142 Pauluses / 44 Minuses / 11 PushDiscuss this and so much more in our private Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum!Be sure to check out our latest Rand Pauluses and Minuses podcast.{Note: The "Rand Pauluses and Minuses" podcast segment is on a very brief hiatus due to the debate schedule and a very special holiday show we have planned. RPM - The Podcast will return with our "Year in Rand" episode on December 31st.}Check out the full “Rand Pauluses and Minuses” Archive!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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