GOP Debate 11 Drinking Game! Less Carson, More Shots!


In honor of Ben Carson suspending his presidential campaign, I have concocted a special shot, which I shall imbibe tonight whenever his name is mentioned. Or if someone doesn't walk out on stage when called. It's called the Carson Curse and it's equal parts rum and Kahlua. The thing is, you have to drink it exceptionally slowly, close your eyes for an extended period while looking upwards, and drink it very...very...slowly. Then ask for more speaking time.We’ll be live blogging the debate in just a couple hours and following it up by recording one of our famous reaction shows, which will encompass  the recent GOP, Dem and Libertarian debates.GOP Debate Drinking Game!Drink the First Time You Hear: 

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Back door
  • Supreme Court
  • Iran
  • Refugees
  • Muslims
  • Gay marriage
  • Abortion
  • The NSA
  • Planned Parenthood
  • 9/11
  • Patriot Act/Freedom Act
  • Obamacare / ACA
  • Immigration

Drink Anytime:

  • A candidate brings up Trump and the Pope
  • Mitt Romney's name is conjured
  • Anyone calls to indict Hillary (or asks if she should be)
  • Someone mentions socialism
  • Cruz or Rubio reference their status as sons of immigrants
  • Someone brings up the "Gang of 8" bill to attack Rubio
  • Kasich calls for more speaking time
  • Kasich makes a point of saying he was the only one to balance a budget
  • Rubio calls someone an isolationist (his favorite)
  • A candidate references their being a family man or having a family
  • You hear that Israel is “America’s greatest ally”
  • Ronald Reagan’s name is dropped
  • John Kasich references that he’s from Ohio
  • Ted Cruz says there is an assault on traditional marriage
  • Kasich says the US must avoid regime change in the Middle East, then says we need regime change in North Korea
  • Anyone calls for Obama to wait to appoint a Supreme Court Justice

Chug Your Drink And Don’t Stop Until They Do:

  • Anytime a candidate goes over their allotted time, you must drink until they finish speaking

Finish Your Drink If: 

  • Someone says they miss Cuba Gooding Jr.
  • Donald Trump is literally struck down by God for his comments to the Pope and/or any of the Biblical plagues make an in-debate appearance
  • Anyone says they don't want to be "back doored"
  • Trump and Rubio come to physical blows
  • Rubio's nursemaid comes on stage to change him
  • Someone else calls out Rubio for using canned speech bites
  • Rubio repeats his own canned speech bites
  • Ted Cruz references Mises or Austrian economics
  • Cruz is called out for missing the "Audit the Fed" vote (much less likely with Rand's absence)
  • Trump says Chris Christie was just out campaigning for him

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Lions of Liberty Podcast Ep. 189: Jim Ostrowski on Direct Citizen Action & Progressivism