Democratic Debate Drinking Game - BROOKLYN RULES!


The Democratic Debate tonight takes place in Brooklyn, so you KNOW Bernie's Boners (as I'm now calling his fan base) are going to be drunk on their hipster stoops and fired up! Don't let them stoop to conquer alone. Instead, play along with our Democratic Debate Drinking Game: BROOKLYN RULES! The only real difference from our regular drinking games is that you have to wear a flannel and/or scarf, knit beanie and also only drink locally sourced suds, because you gotta support Brooklyn, bro! GO ISLANDERS! (Just, kidding, go FLYERS).“Democratic Debate Drinking Game – Liberty Rules!” Drink the First Time You Hear:

  • Universal Healthcare
  • Free college
  • Gay marriage
  • Gun control
  • 9/11
  • Corporations
  • Hillary's Emails
  • $15 Minimum Wage
  • Syria

Drink Anytime:

  • Bernie blames something on the corporations (this could be literally anything)
  • Anyone brings up Super Delegates
  • Bernie says he'll be the first Jewish president
  • Clinton says she'll be the first female president
  • Bernie sanders mispronounces "human" as "euman"
  • Hillary Clinton is caught touting a new position she was adamantly against previously
  • Bernie hunches his shoulders up like a mid-16th-century gargoyle
  • Hillary laughs before answering a question
  • Bernie says he doesn't take money from Super PACS (never-mind Unions ARE SuperPACs)
  • Hillary references her time as Secretary of State
  • Bill Clinton's name is mentioned (as either a husband, leader, racist or rapist)
  • Someone mentions student debt
  • Bernie calls for Clinton to release her Wall Street speeches
  • Raising taxes on the rich is mentioned and/or someone says "the 1%"
  • FDR or the New Deal is referenced
  • Hillary makes a statement that should only be found on the GOP stage
  • Bernie talks about only using green energy

Chug Your Drink And Don’t Stop Until They Do:

  • Anytime a candidate goes over their allotted time, you must drink until they finish speaking
  • Drink the entire time as Bernie Sanders tries to explain how any of his plans would work economically (this actually would be a very short drink because he wouldn't know)
  • Hillary Clinton tries to explain her "colored people time" "joke" with Bill de Blasio at the Inner Circle dinner this past week.

Finish Your Drink If:

  • Bernie brings up Bill's sexism or sexual deviancy
  • The moderator asks Clinton straight-up if she's racist
  • Bernie is asked about Larry David's impression of him on SNL
  • Anyone, on stage or off, actually calls Bernie Sanders a Socialist
  • Marty McFly shows up to ask Bernie to borrow the Delorean
  • Hillary breaks into a New York accent
  • Hillary Clinton lapses into a southern accent when discussing social or racial issues
  • Sanders calls for a new currency called "Berniebucks"
  • Hillary wears anything other than an outfit that looks like a dyed burlap sack with buttons

Enjoy the debate, everyone! Odds are, even if you follow every one of these rules, you'll still be less drunk than at least one candidate on stage.The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Join our Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum

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