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Final Presidential Debate Drinking Game: DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Have we really come so far? Or, to put it another way, have we really fallen so far? Yes, tonight is the final debate between two of the absolute biggest pieces of garbage to ever grace the political stage. One, a wizard whose alleged groping of vaginas is the only thing standing in the way of a presidency; the other the political chameleon, establishment tool, unabashed human impersonating lizard and potential sex fiend. God forbid they give Gary Johnson a spot. Though having a stammering amnesiac human shield standing between the gatling guns may hurt liberty more than help.What WILL DRINKING. So welcome to the Last Presidential Debate of 2016 Drinking Game! We're back with some new rules to reflect the recent happenings in the political world. I've removed a lot of the olden goldie drinking rules, because we want to live though this, after all.Drink Every Time:HILLARY:

  • Cackles like an insane wiccan to impersonate human emotion
  • Says "misogynist"
  • Mentions the glass ceiling or women's equality
  • Coughs
  • Smiles for no reason
  • Claims Trump is working with Russia
  • Comes back to the debate stage late because she was dropping a log
  • Claims her email server was legal and safe
  • Does a linguistic tap dance defending her flip-flopping on the TPP
  • Brings up Trump's tax returns
  • Says women can stop Trump this election
  • Talks about free college

Finish Your Drink If:

  • Hillary has Julien Assange killed during the debate
  • She collapses on stage
  • Bill Clinton falls into his old habits and molests someone in the crowd
  • Balloons fall from the ceiling and Bill Clinton lapses into a childlike stupor of wonderment again
  • Hillary's eyes start going wonky like an Iguana
  • She coughs up blood and everyone in the debate theater gets TB
  • During a commercial break Chelsea Clinton is appointed to a new, highly-paid position she's wholly unqualified for

Drink every time: TRUMP:

  • Brings up Wikileaks
  • Says Obamacare has failed
  • Says "Crooked Hillary"
  • Talks about Obama & State Dept working to cover up email scandal & Patrick Kennedy
  • References "Project Veritas"
  • Says "Rigged"
  • Attempts to stalk Hillary around stage
  • Talks about China and trade deficits as the cause of every problem in America somehow
  • Blames the media for biased coverage
  • Walks back a previously ridiculous position to a more centrist position
  • Mentions Hillary's health

Finish Your Drink If:

  • Trump says "Drain the Swamp." When HE does, YOU do.
  • Trump straight out asks Hillary if she will try to kill Assange
  • Trump admits this whole campaign has been a trick on the GOP
  • He asks for a doctor to examine Hillary on stage
  • Trumps brings Hillary's would be sex-fixer to the debate as his guest
  • Melania's breast pops out during an audience shot
  • Jill Stein streaks through the debate hall with a "Meat is Murder" sign over her lower privates
  • Trump says he'd appoint Ivanka to his cabinet

GOOD LUCK! To you and to the nation after either of these imbeciles are elected.The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & check out our YouTube Channel!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!