Felony Friday 075 - Neil Woods: UK Undercover Cop Turned Anti-drug War Crusader


Today on Felony Friday Neil Woods joins host John Odermatt. Neil is a former Undercover Drugs Detective Sergeant and is the Chairman of LEAP UK (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition United Kingdom.) For 14 years, Neil Woods risked his life as a drug squad police officer posing undercover as a heroin and crack addict. Over the years Neil came to realize that his work and drug prohibition as a whole, actually made the drug trade more dangerous. So now he works as an activist with LEAP UK to put end to drug prohibition in the United Kingdom.Download this episode (right click and save)[clickfunnels_embed height="300" url="https://join.lionsofliberty.com/post-embed" scroll="yes"]Links discussed on the show:


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