Electric Libertyland 30: Imran Iwan Arrested, Dems' New Better Deal

In this week's Electric Libertyland host Brian McWilliams examines and mocks the "New Better Deal" that the Democrats rolled out, takes on the new manic wailing of the left on the Healthcare vote in the Senate, and rails against the death of a bill that would have established a third party panel to review police shootings & use of deadly force in CA. Brian then wraps it up with a quick take on this week's "Game of Thrones" (is it jumping the progressive shark?) and rips up a Vox article about "workplace dictatorships."There's also breaking news that one of former DNC Chair Rep .Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT chiefs, Imran Iwan was arrested at Dulles airport attempting to flee the country and was arrested for bank fraud. This could be a huge happening for unraveling much of the Russia hacking myth and the DNC hacks. Imran and his brothers worked for over 30 House & Senate democrats and despite being "fired" Imran was still on Schultz' payroll, even though he was banned from having access to servers.Get your libertarian boogie on.Download this episode (right click and save)Discussed in this episode:

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