Electric Libertyland 36: Fallacy of Unions & No, Google and Facebook Should Not Be Nationalized


In today's Electric Libertyland host Brian McWilliams goes it alone with a Labor Day episode focused on the misconceptions about the benefits of unions. He then looks at some recent opinions on the need to nationalize Google, Amazon and Facebook, L'Oreal firing a transgender model for being racist, and James Comey drafting a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton before he even finished investigating her.Download this episode (right click and save)Discussed in this episode:

Be sure to head download the DonorSee app or go directly to the project page here (Project #1251).Update! We successfully raised $5,000 for the Cajun Navy’s gas in the first round of funding, so now we’re doing it all again!Also, a huge fan and supporter of the show and the first very member of the Lions of Liberty Pride at $25 level, Daniel Lee, was directly affected by the Hurricane Harvey. We are also funding a project to help him and his family to recover from the storm. Please consider tossing a few bucks his way through DonorSee! 

Check out today's sponsor, the Remso Republic!

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