Lions of Liberty

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Is "Evictionism" the Libertarian Answer to the Abortion Debate?

The abortion debate has always been framed in the mainstream discussion as "Pro-Life" vs "Pro-Choice." Meanwhile, libertarians often find themselves in a difficult position when trying to choose a "side" on this debate, as they try to weigh the rights of the mother vs the rights of the unborn child. Today, economist and libertarian philosopher Walter Block joins Lions of Liberty to explain why he believes his theory of "evictionism" is the answer to abortion debate that is consistent with libertarian value. Where do the rights of the fetus begin? Is abortion the same as murder? And what objection does Marc ask Walter that he has never heard in nearly fifty years of discussing this issue? Check out today's show to find out!Pride members will also have access to a bonus, off-air conversation between Marc and Avens O'Brien about the issue of abortion, so be sure to join the Pride today and help us grow the show!Download this episode (right click and save)

Discussed in today's show:

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