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Felony Friday 096 - From Hijacker to NYC Mayor? Aaron Commey Defends His Past

On today's episode New York City Mayoral candidate Aaron Commey joins host John Odermatt. Aaron is running for Mayor of New York City under the Libertarian Party banner. This is Aaron's second time on Felony Friday. He first appeared on Episode 26, where we discussed his controversial past. You see, Aaron Commey spent more than a decade in federal prison without ever having a criminal conviction.The incident, which occurred 17 years ago, was detailed in a recent NY Post article, NYC mayoral candidate once tried to hijack an airplane. Aaron admits he was severely mentally ill at the time he attempted to hijack an airplane. Ultimately, Aaron was charged with five crimes, including attempt to commit aircraft piracy.However, he was never convicted of a crime and he was found not guilty by reason of insanity in 2003, but still remained in the federal prison system until January of 2015. That's more than a decade where individuals, doctors employed by the federal prison system, essentially held him captive.Now Aaron is running for Mayor of NYC to advocate for changes to the system that caused him so much pain. Aaron's campaign is focused on reforming criminal justice and education. He seeks to improve economic conditions for low wage and middle wage families by increasing opportunities to escape poverty through entrepreneurship and small business ownership.Visit Aaron Commey's Campaign WebsiteDownload and Listen to today's Episode!Download this episode (right click and save)Find past editions of Felony Friday at the Felony Friday Archive!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Join the conversation in our private Facebook group: The Lions of Liberty Forum!Never miss an episode of the Lions of Liberty Podcast and subscribe for free via iTunes (don’t forget to leave us a rating and review ;) )- or the Stitcher Radio App.Check out our full catalog of interviews in the podcast archive.The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & check out our YouTube Channel!