Lions of Liberty

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Lions of Liberty Naughty or Nice 2017!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of Liberty! It's that time of year again, when we partake in some holiday cheer and adult beverages for our annual "Naughty or Nice" special! In the show Marc is joined by Rico, Brian and Odie to cast judgment upon various figures in the political world and whether they were "naughty" or "nice" for liberty in 2017. After dishing out a few easy "Nice" awards, we get into a few more contentious characters such as LP Chairman Nicholas Sarwark, "reformer" Saudi Prince Alwaleed, Gary Johnson, Joe Rogan, Ajit Pai, Rand Paul and of course, the POTUS himself, Donald Trump. Enjoy this tipsy look back at the biggest names in politics and liberty for the last year!PLUS! Stay tuned after the show to hear about the biggest giveaway for new Pride members we've ever had!Download this episode (right click and save)

Mentioned in today's show:

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