Electric Libertyland 100th Episode! The Trouble With Libertarian Heroes
On this week's Electric Libertyland Brian McWilliams looks back on 100 episodes of podcasting and reflects on what he's learned, where he feels the movement is currently and what libertarianism is lacking: marketable heroes. Brian then takes a look at libertarianism in pop culture and the pandering society that exists in media and entertainment. Finally, the episode wraps up with some current events, including a "cashless" Sweden, GM laying off 14,000 workers due to tariffs, the #ThotAudit and what wins this week's dumbest story award: Facebook's "black people problem."Discussed in this episode:Sweden Is On The Verge Of Going Completely Cashless: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Dumbest article of the week:
Facebook has a ‘black people problem,’ says former employee who quit this month
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