Naughty or Nice 2018!


Merry Christmas ya Liberty animals! It's time once again for our annual "Naughty or Nice" show, where we go through various names in the political realm and and determine whether they have been "naughty" or "nice" for Liberty in 2018! Marc is joined by Brian, Odie, JB and sort-of by Rico, as they pass judgment upon Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Kim Jong Un, Arvin Vohra, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Matt Stone and Trey Parker and more! 

Don't forget to check out the bonus show on Patreonwhere we dive into more Libertarian Party such as Bill Weld, Nicholas Sarwark , Joshua Smith and more!

Discussed in today's episode:

Be sure to check out another great libertarian podcast, Free Man Beyond the Wall!

Check out Sounds Like Liberty's amazing project,!

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