Hotels are Spying on Single Women


On today's show Elizabeth Nolan Brown joins John to talk about the very invasive tactics being utilized by hotels, at the direction of homeland security, to spy on women who are traveling alone. John and Elizabeth discuss her excellent article where she revealed these tactics. The article can be found on Reason and is titled Are You a Woman Traveling Alone? Marriott Might Be Watching You.

Elizabeth is an associate editor at Reason magazine, where she writes regularly on the intersections of sex, speech, tech, crime, politics, panic, and civil liberties. She is also co-founder of the libertarian feminist group Feminists for Liberty. She began writing at Reason in 2014. Since then Brown has won multiple awards for her writing on the U.S. government’s war on sex. She is a graduate of American University, where she received an MA in strategic communication, and Ohio University, where she received a BFA in theater.

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