How to Sell Liberty to the Left w/ Max Gulker of AIER


In today's flagship Lions of Liberty podcast, Marc is joined by Max Gulker of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER). Max describes how he began as a "center left Democrat" and how he was eventually won over to libertarian ideas as the best way to achieve a more prosperous society. Max and Marc then look at a recent article by Tyler Cowen calling for "State Capacity Libertarianism", wherein he implores libertarians to give up on being "anti-State" and to instead aim for a more efficient state. Max pushes back on this idea and breaks down why this isn't an effective strategy for reaching those on the left who currently beg for more government programs. 

Mentioned in today's show:

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Welcome to Hell, Bloomberg! Also: Marc, Brian and Boldin Shootin Sh*t at CA LP Confab


Felon, Comedian, Entrepreneur and Candidate for POTUS Mark Whitney