Larry Levine Breaks Down What Jail is Like for Puff Daddy
Radical Transformation with with James Whitfield
Learning to Bake in Prison with Nick Freed
From Prison to Principal with Christopher Willars
Flying High with Gringo Billy
Cooking from the Soul with Chris Hunter
Prison Politics and Second Chances with Jason Ritchie
How to Live a Transformative Life with Best Selling Author Damon West
15 Women Settle Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Abuse at FL Prison - with Lauren Reynolds
School Teacher to Solitary Confinement with Angela Wright
Seth Ferranti, Former Drug Kingpin Rocks Entertainment Industry
Courage and Truth - Jessica Linton's Story
Biden Sits Idle as another Cares Act Releasee is Returned To Prison
Untapped Talent: How 2nd Chance Hiring Boosts Business with Jeffrey Korzenik
Exclusive: Federal Agent was Warned about 2016 Orlando Nightclub Attack Beforehand - with Dalton Morrow
It's Time for Biden to Pick up his Pardon Pen
Shot in the Face and Sentenced to Life, Paul Kratsas Never Gave Up
A Vegas No-Knock Raid Sent Kristy Laschober to Prison
The Banning of Dan Smoldt and BOP Locks Up Prior Guest for Speaking Out
Blood on the Razor Wire with Chad Marks
On today’s show Chad Marks returns to the show. Chad published an incredible new book called, Blood on the Razor Wire: A Prison Memoir. You can find Chad’s previous appearances on the show on the show notes pages for episode 236 and episode 248.