Zuckerberg's Freedom Flip-Flop / Trudeau No-Mo'

On this week's Mean Age Daydream, Brian explains how Mark Zuckerberg's about-face on censorship and freedom of speech is a win, whether it's opportunistic or authentic. Also: Justin Trudeau is out, and George Soros (among others) get the now worthless Presidential Medal of Freedom from Biden.

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Brian McWilliams

Brian McWilliams is a native Philadelphian currently living in Los Angeles and practicing public relations and stand up comedy with equal aplomb. His passion and concern for liberty was realized during Ron Paul’s 2008 campaign, which shed light on the troubling initiatives our government was embracing that infringed on the tenets that the United States was founded upon. Brian is the host and producer of “Electric Libertyland,” the Lions of Liberty Podcast’s weekly Wednesday look at current events, culture and comedy through a liberty lens.


Attacking 2025: Goals for this Show in the New Year