LIVE GOP Debate Twitter Recap!!!

If you missed the debate tweets or, heaven forbid, don't yet follow us on twitter @LionsofLiberty_, check out the summary of all our live tweets from the final GOP Debate before the Iowa caucus.The Tweets below, updated every 15 min or so:And @RonPaul gets the biggest applause! #WhatElseIsNewNot even the 1st question and we're already being fear-mongered about Iran!Newt starts off with the cheap Christmas Plug. Too easy, Newt.Newt wants 7 3 hour debates with Obama! #PleaseSayNoToNewtNewt strives for "very large changes". Super Size Me!Paul: "Anybody up here could probably beat Obama"Apparently Newt Gingrich taught the "Art of War" to generals? Amazing what he learned about war by getting deferments to avoid it.Romney: Government doesn't create jobs (unless it's run by Mitt Romney)Bachmann: I am an "Action Person". oooh I want the Sailor Moon Bachmann Action Figure!Rick Perry compares himself to Tim Tebow! That's stretching Evangelical pandering to new levels.Huntsman: I will NOT contort myself into a pretzel! (But that's not a pledge)Romney: I need more time to tell you what an awesome leader I am!!!!Reasons I know Newt is evil: He makes me think Romney's not all that bad.Paul: There are 2 factions out there: One wants welfare (mostly for corporations), one wants warfare. Let's cut 'em both!Bachmann utters the Unbreakable Vow: "No New Taxes"Huntsman: I like my taxes like I like my booties: Flat.Newt: It's all Barney Frank's fault!!!Paul: Newt has a "different definition of private enterprise" than I do. In Newt's world, it's only private if they give him money.Wow Newt is actually defending GSE's. Has he given up on trying to pretend to be a Republican?You can see Newt REALLY REALLY ENJOYS lying.HA that was some awkward tepid applause from the few Newt supporters left.Welcome to "He said, she said, he said again" . This week's subject - Newt Gingrich!Oooh the dreaded "earmark" question!@RonPaul just taught everyone what "Earmarking" really means and why we need MORE of it, not less. And that he's never voted for a penny.Paul: I don't want to be a "powerful President."Tebow rolls out to the left...slaps Gingrich, dodges Romney...references the Constitution and...wait what am I watching again?Hunstman: Throw a wild embassy party for Chinese dissidents!!Romney: Elect me and we get the "American Century". Well, sweet.Only took 50 minutes for Newt to reference Lincoln. What's the over/under on FDR?The part of debates where they discuss "under God" in the pledge is like the Lisa episodes of the Simpsons. #BathroomBreakCongress subpoena judges? How about we go to a judge and subpoena CONGRESS. #NDAA, anyone?Apparently Newt mentioned FDR so fast I missed it.Paul on Supreme Court judges: " They're all good and they're all bad"They have all taken positions to both increase and decrease freedom.Iran Question for Paul ! #ItsATrap!Paul counters Iran with the facts, and a warning that this is "Iraq all over again."Paul: "We don't need another war!"Paul: Sanctions are an Act of War. Damn right.Santorum gets his standard 2 minutes to warmonger. I contemplate dinner.Would the U.S. give China a drone back if it was shot down over California? Isn't the drone being in Iran the aggressive act?Do you think Michele Bachmann learned the word "hegemon" right before the debate?Bachmann knows "beyond a shadow of a doubt" Iran plans to attack The United States with a nuclear weapon. Are we just making stuff up now?Another lesson from @RonPaul on blowback! The ONLY one questioning why we even have a drone flying over Iran in the 1st place?Yes, it's confirmed. Michele Bachmann is just making stuff up. Why do I think the people booing him haven't read the IAEA report?Paul: You cannot solve these problems with war!I feel bad for Huntsman. Mostly because I can't think of any good jokes for him.@BretBaier hates those dings!Tebow Perry wants an "OverFly" Zone. If he wins the GOP nom, the analogy will actually be perfect.Well it's just a regular Newt Yuck It Up Fest in here!Tebow Perry just mentioned his love for the 10th Amendment. Doesn't that make him a potential terrorist???The Fox News guys on the online show just called me "irrational" for not wanting to bomb Iran. And that Ron Paul is "insane".Also, that we should base security on poll numbers. Wow time to chug more Monster.Rick Perry would have Vin Diesel indefinitely detained for Fast And Furious.And Tebow breaks the tackle, ties illegal immigration into some Iran war mongering and...TOUCHDOWN!!!!Rick Santorum gets his facts from the same Big Fact Book in the Sky that Michele Bachmann does.Romney's job plans: Biometric ID cards that American Express, Mastercard and Visa can make money off of.Wait, did Romney just say been experiencing life for 16,17,18,19 years? Is he from the Dominican Republic?"Lettuslature". Romney's "Nucular"?Are they gonna ask the Doctor about protecting life at all?Bachmann has her facts right! All of em! So sayeth the Bachmann Big Book O' Facts.Did someone in the audience butt in talking about the Federal Reserve System?Am I paranoid if I think it's a plant to make Paul look bad?Perry is going FULL TEBOW with his new campaign strategy.Newt just endorsed @RonPaul "Any of these guys would be great in the White House!"Paul responds by knocking the media for lack of coverage on Newt. Well played, sir.And DONE. Whew.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


A Fond Fairwell to the Bill of Rights; NDAA and FEMA Detention Camps Live Happily Ever After


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