DHS Grants Make Cops into Special Ops, Nationwide

Disturbing news in the wake of the despicable NDAA's passing a few days ago. Not only are the FEMA detainment camps springing up faster than Starbucks, but the Department of Homeland Security's more than $34B in grants to local government has gone towards revamping local Police into militarized special ops teams. The Daily Beast has a story out today citing North Dakota's use of the funds to outfit EVERY squad car in Fargo with a military grade automatic assault rifle, and also purchased a $256,643 armored truck, complete with a rotating turret.Now, yes, you can say that they were provided the funds, so why not use them, but this type of purchase seems to indicate plans to counteract mass protests or public uprising. Why else would a city police force need an armored tank with a machine gun turret? This isn't "Robocop," where all of the criminals sport laser bazookas. Fargo, ND isn't a high priority terrorist target. In fact, it's probably the last place on Earth they would even bother with.This is just one more sign that the US Government is setting the table for quelling its citizenry by any means necessary, and arming forces nationwide in preparation for the institution of martial law. On the bright side, however, next season of "C.O.P.S." should be fantastic.
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Shhh....Congress Has a Secret...and it's Torture!