DOOOOOOOOOMED!!!! Doomsday Clock Ticks One More Minute Along

What with all of the conversations about Liberty, the stripping of our rights due to the NDAA (which actually gave BACK the right of sodomy and bestiality to our proud military members...way to go guys! Right? The military can do whatever it wants to us now, including screwing our pets! Anyway...) we've all forgotten about the all-important DOOMSDAY CLOCK!Yes, the ridiculous emblem of all things fear-mongering, the DOOMSDAY CLOCK has been moved forward by another minute towards midnight, currently residing at 11:56. Meanwhile, the clock started at 11:53 back in 1947, when it was created. Who picked that arbitrary time? Some atomic scientists at the University of Chicago. Who decides it now? A bunch of liberal scientists from both the atomic AND climate change factions!What a wonderfully convenient distraction from the actual worries of the day, such as the multiple wars going on, the lending habits of the FED, the unsound monetary system we operate under, President Obama's black-bag homeland security gulag and the forthcoming war with Iran that the US is currently spreading propaganda for.But let's stop all of that conversation because some clock, based upon nothing except speculation and a need for more government funding for slush science, has moved forward ONE MORE MINUTE.God help us if that clock hits midnight...someone will have to set it back a couple minutes again, citing new political or scientific data, and LORD KNOWS, Harold Camping isn't available to do it. But at least he had the balls enough to pick a date.

Side note: The Doomsday Clock is the least imposing clock I have ever seen. "Hello Kitty" clocks in the mall are more likely to scare me than that thing.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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