Santorum and Gingrich Support Terrorists


Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we have some of our first candidates for indefinite detention under the new NDAA for the crime of supporting terrorists. And we don't have to look further than the current crop of GOP candidates!  Yes folks, it's true: Rick Santorum and Newt Ginrich support terrorism.

Imagine this scene: It's a sunny, cloudless January day in New York City.  New Yorkers are bustling about Times Square when suddenly...BOOM!!! A car explodes as a mysterious man on a motorcyclye zips off.  It turns out the man killed was one of the top scientists for the U.S. government.  Many people suspected the Chinese, who had recently passed sanctions on our government for claims that it knew of a secret weapons program the United States had been working on, though provided no evidence of these claims.  This is after several other scientists allegedly working on the same program had been killed in similar fashion, and many Chinese politicians had also recently been celebrating these assassinations and lauding them as "wonderful things".  What would the reaction here be? My guess is that we'd be accusing the Chinese of terrorism and readying our battleships.Well a similar scene played out in Iran this week, as one of its' top nuclear scientists was killed by a car bomb.   This comes after many similar scenes have played out over the last 5 years in Iran, only a few days after President Obama signed into law new sanctions against Iran's central bank, supposedly aimed at halting their nuclear program.  The State Department has claimed that the U.S. was in no way involved in these attacks, and I have no evidence to suggest they were.  But regardless of what group or government was responsible for this act,  they have the support of those good 'ol warmongers extraordinaire, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Santorum and Gingrich have been two of the most belligerent chickenhawks constantly foaming at the mouth for a war against Iran.  They claim that Iran is secretly building nuclear weapons, despite the fact that even our own Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admits that Iran is not trying to build a nuclear weapon.  But that doesn't matter to these two maniacs.  Newt Gingrich has repeatedly advocated assassinating Iranian scientists.  And supposedly "pro-life" Rick Santorum recently remarked that Iranian scientists turning up dead was a "wonderful thing". Let's be clear here.  I don't particularly want Iran to have a nuclear weapon.  I'd prefer if they didn't exist at all.  But if they did try to get one, could you blame them?  The U.S. hasn't exactly set the best precedent on this matter.  Gaddafi gave up Libya's nuclear weapons program; and then we funded and armed Al Qaeda to take him out.  North Korea gets nuclear weapons, and they are awarded with foreign aid and diplomacy.  Considering that we have Iran surrounded on every side with military bases, which course of action would be more logical?But the real question we should be asking is why an act of terror is only condemned if it is against certain interests, and applauded if it is against others?  Isn't the entire premise behind the "War on Terror" the idea that we want to stop ALL terrorists?Hypocritical politicians that praise terrorist acts abroad while demanding more civil liberties be taken away at home do us all a favor by exposing the "War on Terror" as the fraud that it is.  You cannot wage a war on a tactic.  And if you could, it's clear they don't actually believe the tactic is the problem, merely the target of said tactic.It's high time everyone recognize both the War on Terror and the phony politicians that support it for what it is: A convenient umbrella to justify foreign intervention abroad and a crackdown on civil liberties at home.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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