GOP Field Down to Five; Full Debate Tweet Recap!


Another GOP contender bit the dust today, as Jon Hunstman announces he is dropping out and predictably endorsing Romney, as all of the other dropouts will inevitably do in the hopes of landing some sort of fancy ambassadorhip to Papua New Guinea.

This will hopefully pave the way for more time for the only sane man on stage, Dr. Paul, in tonights 49,032nd GOP Debate. As usual, you can follow Lions of Liberty's debate coverage LIVE on our Twitter feed (@LionsOfLiberty_). You can also refresh this very page every 10 minuter or so during the debate to read our tweets if you are anti-twitter. Of course, Huntsman was always just Romney-late; and much like Romney, Jon Huntsman and Barack Obama agree on just about everything.Let the tweets begin!Who wants to bet they try to call @RonPaul a racist on MLK day? #scdebatePerry looks all hopped up on Cinnamon rolls #scdebatePaul is at the end despite being in 2nd place in votes and delegates? Ok I see how it's gonna be.5 minutes in and my mind is wandering as Newt rambles. Not a good sign.Conspiracy Theory: Romney cousin Huntsman dropped out so Romney could be smack in the middle on stage tonight.Perry wants to see Mitt's income tax. Ron Paul wants to end the income tax. Who's more serious? #scdebateTonight's theme: Attack capitalism. The GOP 2012 is just plain Bizarro World.Paul has been "particularly scathing"? Is that what we call "telling the truth" now?What a layup! Perfect setup for Dr. Paul to rip the other candidates' records. But did he just say Sarbanes-LOXley? Or am I just hungry?Santorum: I voted to stay popular, not on principle. PIck me pick me!When did the writers decide to give Santorum more lines? How about we let that @RonPaul guy have a few!Romney agrees with Paul again! That's his new "thing he does", y'know.Since a disproportionate amount of blacks go to prison, isn't denying right to vote to ex-cons racist? You can use that one, @RonPaulNotice the lines they steal from @RonPaul are the ones that get the biggest applause? "States rights...yeah, thats it" Rick PerryI feel like I've heard this Romney abortion story more times than I've heard Ron Paul speak this entire election cycle.Romney's answer to if he'll flip flop? We'll have the strongest military in the world! Um...#dodge #scdebateJust the mere mention of the word "war" gets this crowd going. Scary.Did Perry just say "Secturally Trafficked Children"? I'm fading in and out here.I hope Ron Paul at least brought an ipad and an e-economic textbook to kill some time while he's standing up there.How ironic the one man standing up for our civil rights is being silenced on MLK day. Shame on you, Fox.Whole debate is a #dodge #scdebateI love how they all debate tax rates when Ron Paul wants to go to zero.Ron Paul's clarity uncovers these phonies as the big government lovers they are #scdebateThanks for the softball for Ron Paul on MLK day, Juan Williams! Wow! That one's too easy.the 4 black guys in the audience just applauded ron paul's answer on racism in the judicial system. ok this audience is rigged right?I'm pretty sure Newt is the main reason that donut company took off. Yeah, that's right, I'm stooping to fat jokes now. Whatever.Ha Newt getting booed makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.Paul: "obviously not, dummy. Do your research, Baier".Way to not let @BretBaier cut you off, Dr. Paul!Here goes that "left of the Obama" stuff again. Piss poor excuse for "journalism", @BretBaier. It's called the Constitution and its the LAW.Bret Baier: "But you voted against the War on Iraq". Which we now know was based on lies, thanks for reminding us of Paul's foresight.What a setup smearing Paul and giving Newt the opportunity to look all tough. Pathetic, Fox.Every time I have a little hope for America, I hear a room full of voters booing the Golden Rule. Sickening.Paul: "This country doesn't need another war! We need to quite the ones we're in!"Romney: "We go where they are, and we kill them". No Mitt, YOU sit in your palace while the sons and daughters of regular people do it.Do these savages really think we need to break the laws of our country & sovereignty of others and constantly kill people 2 be safe? really?I'm waiting for "Dr. Paul, isn't it true that if you were around during the American Revolution you'd be to the left of Benedict Arnold?"Why not ask about #NDAA? #SOPA? #FastAndFurious. This is not a serious debate, and @BretBaier is not a serious journalist.@BretBaier tries to goad Perry into attacking Paul and he instead talks about who soldiers urinate on. #dodgeUnlike other candidates, Ron Paul actually understands Afghanistan and the motivations of our "enemies"Romney: "Oh I'd sign the #NDAA alright - to the gallows with you Ron Paul people!"Santorum standing up for Habeus Corpus? Well at least for American Citizens. That's a start , I guess.You're DAMN RIGHT Ron Paul is going to answer about #NDAA. #ANSWER #SCDEBATEDid Romney just mention "inflation"? Too bad it was completely out of context. But hey, he's new at this copying Ron Paul thing.I've officially blacked out from rage between the cheering of war and the ignorance of some. Time for a pepporcini break.Santorum really trying to contrast himself with Ron Paul on the 2nd Amendment? There is no greater defender than @RonPaulRick, it's called the Constitution. Read it. To act like Paul is anti-2nd amendment is to act like you're a peace-loving hippie.It's fun to hear Mitt rail on McCain-Feingold as McCain campaigns for him.Most atheists I know are more Christian than this crowd. #SCDebatereally? That's how we're ending? A Newt rant about No Child Left Behind? Whatever.And that's it folks!!! This one was a bit frightening, with the crowd seemingly chopping at the bit for more war, cheering everytime they heard the words "war" or "kill" and booing the Constitution and the Golden Rule. But the scariest part? There's another one of these IN THREE DAYS.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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