Full TweetCap of (2nd) South Carolina GOP Debate!!

Keep your Twitters tuned to @LionsofLiberty_ (make sure to include the underscore in the name) tonight for our LIVE tweeting of the second South Carolina GOP debate. It will be funny, poignant and full of solemn lamentations about the oh-so-sad terminations of Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman's campaigns. We will be distraught to see Huntsman's trio of hot daughters (...OK, two out of three...it's like the Kardashians of politics over there...) fade back into that dark and desolate land of Mordor Utah. Hotness is wasted there. 
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Let the tweets begin!!!
I'm pretty sure CNN hired Vince McMahon's top producers to cut this opening promo.
Ron Paul on the end again! Oh well at least he got to come out first.
And Newt is getting LARGER.
90% sure Santorum was just opening and closing his mouth there and pretending to sing.
Santorum thanks the "low country," which I assume includes Hobbits.
We really still need the moderator to give an example of how to introduce oneself? And THESE guys wanna be President?
I hope they do a somber musical montage for the dropout candidates. like when the Oscars honor the dead actors.
I'm MittRomneyBot 2.0 and I was created soley to take a fall in November. 
CNN should reveal Newt's m profile
Is this the GOP Debate or Jerry Springer?
Don't be fooled. This is all designed to make Newt look like a tough guy. He's gettin' the big push again.
Ron Paul just backhanded the MSM AND Newt in one fell swoop. Like delivering twins!
Softball city giving these guys the chance to hammer the media.  Paul goes for gut by calling out the corporate control of the media.
Newt has tons of facts but zero principles. And looooves the McRib.
Yes Mitt, crony capitalism started in American in 2008.
Romney first to drop the Keystone Pipeline into speaking points...check that off your bingo card
We get it, you guys all love capitalism. Let's talk about .
Santorum goes for the cheap hometown pop by pimping how hard-workin them SC folk are. Come on Santo, you can do better.
A question about supporting veterans? This is too easy for a Doctor, boys.
FINALLY @RonPaul doing a little bragging about his military donations; the only one that ever mentions the downside of war & injured vets
Have you ever heard Mitt Romney say anything shocking? Me neither. Time for a snack.
Mitt: Let's replace Obamacare with RomneyCare 2.0! That should fix it !
Dear Mitt, if you want health care to act like a market...try the market.
Newt studied his "Top GOP One-Liners" flash cards before tonight's debate.
King: I wanna bring in Ron Paul, but actually I don't. What do you have to say, Mittens?
Seriously how can any rational person not choose Paul over these clowns?
So much for "going back to Ron Paul", eh Kingie?
Newt's favorite phrase of the campaign by far : "Lincoln-Douglas Style Debate"
RON PAUL! Pimping that flight surgeon gig again, I like it. Wait what was the question again?
Paul calls military spending overseas what it is: subsidies to other countries (and corporations)
Did Santorum just say he's "destined" to win the nomination? just checkin
Are these guys debating the scale of change they can bring? RAISE YOUR HAND RON PAUL!
Newt: This is a country of big people. Well, you said it not me.
Is Santo trying to use "I was there" as his "I went"?
WOOO! Santorum just put the foil on his knuckles to wallop Newt.
Did Mitt Romney just claim to have lived in the "real streets of America"? Mmmmmk.
Mitt giving props to Paul and his time in the "birthing suite".  Hey, he looks at polls.Freedom is popular.
Ron Paul still the only adult on stage.
Nice mention of Ron's clean record re: lobbyists and income.
Income tax release just another distraction. Paul kills it pointing out he doesn't even talk to lobbyists.
Romney withholding his tax returns cuz he's afraid of the Democrats? The same ones that haven't ended wars, protected civil liberties, etc?
Santorum sounds like he really wants to get home to do his taxes. Is that why he hasn't dropped out yet?
Pretty savvy using Romney's pops quote against him. Gotta love those boos as Mitt flops around.
I'm pretty sure Romney just called his Dad something racist.  Not sure.
Paul right not to demonize China. True free trade benefits producers and consumers, it's reg's like NAFTA that hurt economy.
Newt: Real Conservatives HATE those Hollywood lefties!!!
Well lookee here! A #SOPA question!
Paul points out not only that he was againt #SOPA before it was popular, but that he can build coalitions to increase freedom. NAILED IT.
Santorum hates the internet because it's a place where "people can do whatever they want to do".Sounds about right.
Santorum shows his big government mentality, doesn't understand SOPA's impact.Haha, Santorum hates ANYTHING internet related due to spreadingsantorum.com Sad Santo didn't drop a "Wild West" reference into his diatribe against the wacky interwebs. Lost a bet.Newt pandering for the credit card worker voting bloc.Newt loves to reference "eras" like a "World War II" this or a "Vietnam" that to make him sound smart.Community Review for illegals will never, ever happen. Ever.Adorable. Santorum and Romney argue like an old married couple.THANK YOU, Ron Paul is the only one to mention the economic incentive that draws illegals here and ramifications on state finances.I've heard John King refer to "wanting to get to Ron Paul" more times than I've heard Paul speak. #CNNDebateBrilliant point by Paul about utilizing troops abroad protecting unprotectable foreign borders to protect US borders.Can't wait to hear Santorum chat about how he is against all forms of birth control. And I thought Romney was the Mexican on stage!Newt just differed to Santorum re: abortion because he KNOWS Santo's views are insanely out of wack even for most republicans.I'm guessing it's not that hard to be Pro-Life in a state where it's hard to be pro-life if you're only pretending to be pro-life.Mitt: Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro Life Pro LifeWOW.And the crowd PULLS RON PAUL INTO THE DEBATE. UNREAL.
Crowd BOOOOOOS John King, RIGHTLY for skipping Paul. Paul: Um, I wasn't even thinking about you Santo, but come to think of it, yes you are a big government social fascist.Santorum just foolishly gave Ron a perfect platform to explain his stance on state rights and how abortion shouldn't be a federal issue.I'll bet Paula Dean's diabetes riddled legs that Romney gets the last word in this debate.Ron Paul is for one kind of socialism: LIBERTY SOCIALISM. "Liberty done right benefits everyone equally." Damn right.Ron finally brings the debate around to the debt.The only thing Newt might change is the arrangement of donuts in his baker's dozen every morning.If there is one thing I respect about Romney it's that he will agree with other people's statements instead of nitpicking to differ himself.Well...that and his SOLID GOLD TOILET.What the hell is on Newt's lapel? A scarab pin?Santorum comes from those states...COMES with a background...and COMES...WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT! Dun, dun DUUUUNNN!!!!The other candidates make cases for themselves, Paul makes the case for Freedom. #RonPaul2012

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87,332nd GOP Debate FULL TWEETCAP


Gandhi, Ron Paul and the Bloodthirsty GOP