Gandhi, Ron Paul and the Bloodthirsty GOP


" First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".Most people attribute the above quote to Mahatma Gandhi, though it is disputed and there is no documentation of whether he actually said it or not.  And yes, I only mentioned that so I don't get spam bombed by the Blog Accuracy Nerd Police with comments about how I'm selling lies to the world and most likely burning kittens in my free time.  Nor does it really matter as it perfectly illustrates Gandhi's life going from a civil rights lawyer to battling the British Empire itself, all through organizing non-violent civil disobedience. While not being taken seriously as a threat at first, eventually he was able to organize resistance on a larger and larger scale, to the point that the British Empire did start to take his movement seriously.   In response the British began to get vicious, imprisoning Gandhi several times and violently attacking the still-peaceful protesters.  Eventually the resistance grew so great that the British were forced to concede.  History had been made.  The British Empire would eventually leave the region all together, and be defeated with nary a shot fired in offense.


It's no surprise that Ron Paul counts Mahatma Gandhi amongst his heroes.  Just as he does Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks (what a racist!) for their leadership in using non-violent resistance to raise awareness of social injustices and help to create real societal change.   It is no coincidence that the man in the GOP race that looks to figures such as these as heroes is the only one speaking about a more rational foreign policy where we try to use violence as a last resort instead of a first and only resort.  And no doubt all of them faced similar paths of being ignored, ridiculed and attacked along their way to achieving the change they hoped to see in the world.If racist smears and ridiculous attacks about his congressional flights home even though they are just like everybody else's weren't enough to make it clear, Monday night's debate crystallized the notion that the Establishment is fully in the "attack" phase now.  There were only 2 points I could see from this reality show that I somehow spent 2 hours tweeting through: 1) To boost Newt Gingrich by making him look "tough" and 2) to marginalize Ron Paul.From the very beginning he was placed towards the end of the 5 candidates, despite being 2nd place in the GOP race in both votes and delegates.  From there he was completely ignored for the first half-hour, and when he was finally addressed it was to ask him about his "negative" campaign ads.  Apparently "negative campaigning" is what we call telling the truth about other candidates big government, hypocritical records.The rest of the debate quickly devolved into what looked like a scene from a Roman gladiator movie: a coliseum full of bloodthirsty citizens calling for the heads of the heathens ("Muslim Extremists" in this case) and gleefully waiting to watch the lions devour their bodies. If you were an alien that had come to observe how Earth chooses it's leaders, you'd think America had the most benevolent foreign policy and were routinely under attack from an insidious group of cave dwellers lurking around every corner with a suitcase nuke and that this Ron Paul guy was their secret leader. The most frightening moment of the debate came when what I hope was a small but vocal minority of the crowd booed Dr. Paul for the mere suggestion that we practice a Golden Rule of foreign policy: don't do to other nations what we wouldn't have them do to us.This kind of rational approach is considered "crazy" and "dangerous" by the establishment media, while candidates like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum can openly support terrorism and that's all well and good.  This is also why Dr. Paul stands far and above the rest of the sad field of GOP Plastic Men. He is willing to ask the hard questions, willing to look at reality and look at things from the perspective of our "enemies".  Luckily it seems that the people and even some news anchors are seeing through the BS and it's even leaking through to the mainstream media.Make no mistake about it: They don't attack you if you aren't winning.  And it becomes more and more clear every day that Ron Paul is winning. He is the only one talking about SOPA. The only one speaking out against Section 1031 of the NDAA authorizing indefinite detention of American citizens.Meanwhile, the rest of the GOP candidates continue to drop like flies, as today Rick Perry announced he is dropping out and supporting New Gingrich.  The establishment seems to want to control the Mitt vs. Anti-Mitt Battle, and Newt seems to be the chosen one of the Anti-Mitt crowd.  The only monkey wrench in their plan is that darn Ron Paul guy, who just keeps drawing from both of these media-manufactured crowds and bringing them into the fold of the true anti-establishment, pro-freedom movement.Let's hope tonight's CNN Debate is a little more fair, but I certainly wouldn't count on it. However, it's important to remember that every time Ron Paul is attacked on an issue it's because he is winning and they know it.  So I say, bring 'em on!  Go ahead and attack the man standing up for our freedoms, go ahead and attack the only one speaking of a rational foreign policy.  Go ahead, GOP.  Go ahead, mainstream media.  Because an idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army, let alone at your pathetic attempts to hide the truth and filter the debate.  You can ignore, laugh and attack all you want.  But the seeds of liberty have sprouted and this is one weed that doesn't die from the pesticide of lies and manipulation - it grows from it.Tune in tonight on Twitter  (@Lionsofliberty_ )or you can refresh a link that will be on the main blog to follow all of our tweets during the final debate before the South Carolina Primary.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


Full TweetCap of (2nd) South Carolina GOP Debate!!


Section 1021 of the NDAA is Worse than SOPA and PIPA