Al Gore to the Rescue!! (With help from Goldman Sachs)


Al Gore, our favorite aspiring autocratic visionary, has been working day and night to devise a plan to save the world, again.  Thank God!  Or should I say, Thank AlGore!  Mr. Gore could have retired and left the feeble people of the world to fend for themselves.  After all, the man created the internet and has saved the world from certain Armageddon by educating the masses on the severity of Global Warming. (or.....Climate change.  That's what we're calling it now, right?)If you didn't detect the sarcasm, then you might be Al Gore.  Thanks for reading Al, please tell Manbearpig I said hello!

The anointed one, Al Gore, has decided to put his magical talents on display one more time. (I'm sorry I can't stop using the sarcasm once I start)  This time Gore has tasked himself with saving capitalism.  Mr. Gore along with David Blood, a senior partner with their "Green Investment" firm, claim they have determined a path forward to fix the problems that have bogged down our current international financial system.From the linked Reuters article above:

......ahead of Thursday's launch, David Blood said capitalism has been blighted with short-termism and an obsession with instant investment results, which had ramped up market volatility, widened the gap between rich and poor and deflected attention from the deepening climate crisis.

David Blood is a former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management.  Goldman Sachs was and continues to be a top contributor to establishment campaigns on both sides of the aisle.  In addition, former Goldman minions are scattered throughout the U.S. government, placed in positions of influence.  It's no secret that former Goldman Sachs employees have been involved in the destruction of the system they are trying to 'save'. 

We haven't had capitalism in my lifetime.  I'm 28 years old, but I could make the same statement if I was twice that age.  There has been a clear corrupt, cooperation between government and big business in this country for far too long.  Democrats and Republicans are equally responsible for enabling this new breed of crony capitalism to thrive.  When Barack Obama became President he promised the citizens of America that he would change this corrupt system.  Under his "leadership" it has only gotten worse.  Since 2008, The Federal Reserve has injected more money into the global economy than the total of the entire U.S. national deficit.  Companies that are favored by the government receive special treatment and prosper.  Small businesses and the working class Americans are left to bear the burden of the mistakes made by Wall Street and Washington.There is a glowing endorsement, published last week, of Gore and Blood's plan, in The Economist.   Part of their plan to combat the epidemic of short term holding of shares involves implementing, "loyalty shares."  Here's a excerpt from The Economist where this is described:

The sexiest of these, assuming securities law turns you on, is a proposal—already made elsewhere by organisations such as the Aspen Institute—for “loyalty shares” that pay out more to investors that have owned them continuously for at least three years. The average holding period for a share is now seven months, down from several years in the 1990s.

The author of this article is obviously not a fan of freedom.  Gore and Blood are attempting to fix the global financial system by creating even more avenues for the government to meddle in the affairs of private companies.  The concept of rewarding individuals for holding shares of a company for a certain period of time, regardless of the performance of the company over that same time frame is absurd.  If the politicians want to encourage a sustainable and prosperous economic environment they should get the government the heck out of the way.  Sound money, low taxes, low regulation, and a drastic reduction in federal government spending would quickly turn the United State back into a juggernaut.Oh, and Mr. Gore, if you are still reading, respecting property rights and the rule law would go a long way towards protecting this magnificent earth.  You probably would not tolerate this expansion of liberty, because it would make coercing money from private citizens, using the heavy hand of the state, more challenging.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


Scenes From a Revolution Part Deux


The Elder Statesman, Ron Paul Debate Highlights