Scenes From a Revolution Part Deux

Something happens to the human body after 48 hours or so in Las Vegas.  For a solid week afterward, it essentially rebels against the mind that ordered it through a seemingly pointless hardcore bootcamp of consumption and a complete lack of regard for the most basic of health tenets.  Exhausted and need to get some shuteye? Have fun tossing and turning all night.  Need to finally grab a bite to eat after a weekend of forgetting that food comes in solid form? Expect endless dry heaving and cold sweats to guide you through the day.  Whatever direction the conscious mind wants to take the usually-obedient body, expect nothing short of a full-on Revolution.
Needless to say, it's not easy to blog under these circumstances; and you can bet your fiat dollar there's a direct correlation between the fact that one half  of the Lions of Liberty Bloggin' Team was experiencing a week similar to the one described above and the noticeable downturn in blog posts during that time. But luckily that perfect blend of proper rest, healthy eating and an inspiring Ron Paul YouTube moment have combined to reawaken this blogger's spirit.  Check out the reception for Ron Paul as he packs in an estimated 4,000+ at Michigan State University.
This is in stark contrast to the vanity of the Mitt Rommey campaign, renting out Ford Field (with a capacity of 65,000+) only to speak to less than a third of what Ron Paul drew at MSU. Of course, we'll continue to hear that Romney and the guy that doesn't believe in the separation of church and state are the only two relevant candidates in the GOP race. But the fact remains that the Ron Paul campaign continues to plod along, continues to pick up delegates, and continues to pack auditoriums full of enthusiastic crowds who've embraced the ideas of liberty. Expect the media to continue to ignore events like this, much like they ignored the Veterans For Ron Paul march on the White House last week, with 400+ veterans marching in support of the candidate who gets the most support from the military. Or maybe the media was just too busy covering one of Mitt Romney's phony "grassroots" sign wave events.
Keep the TV on long enough and it's easy to get discouraged by the complete media blackout of Ron Paul and his campaign for liberty, but luckily we now live in an age where the people have become the media. As we've proven here, any idiot can toss a blog up on the 'ol interwebs nowadays and spread whatever ideas they choose to spread, be it the ideas of liberty as we aspire to here, or even just a little Santorum. And in an age where information from the ground is spread so rapidly, it's inevitable that we'll see it become a vehicle for equally rapid social change. Time will tell how it will all play out, but I have no doubt that events like this along with many other scenes from this intellectual revolution will continue to be seen by and inspire millions around the world.
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