7 Reasons to Donate to Ron Paul's April 15 Money Bomb


It's a frantic Friday here at Lions of Liberty, what with our own Dom appearing on The New American Media's "Agree to Disagree" this afternoon (will be posted here next week for those late to the dance).  But in the meantime, we'd be remiss not to promote a major money bomb for the Ron Paul campaign, coming up ironically on what is usually known  as the dreaded Tax Day, April 15.  Since it falls on a Sunday this year we all get the priveledge of an extra day until we get to pay the piper that is The State. What better time to toss some of those hard-earned fiat dollars towards the man who's stated goal is to end the income tax and the IRS all together?But why should you donate? After all, Ron Paul hasn't won a single primary and Mitt Romney is undoubtedly going to be the Republican nominee, right? The answers are "not exactly" and "we'll see about that". Here are 7 good reasons, in no particular order, to donate to Ron Paul's money bomb on Sunday.1.  The Anti Romney. With the departure of Rick  Santorum from the race, Ron Paul is the clear "Anti-Romney" candidate.  With Newt Gingrich's campaign almost $5 Million in Debt and bouncing checks , Dr. Paul is the only alternative within the Republican Party for fiscal conservatives.  Echoing our own John O's olive branch to Santorum supporters, it's time for conservatives to come together to oppose Romney.2. The Budget Plan. Ron Paul is the only candidate to have submitted a budget plan with specifics, including $1 Trillion in cuts in Year 1 and a balanced budget by Year 3.  Romney has his "59 point plan" , but it includes no budget or plans for reducing debt.  Regardless of who the nominee is, the Republicans will have to present a budget and a plan to reduce the debt if they have any hope of gathering support from the Tea Party and fiscal conservatives. Even Michael Bloomberg, no fiscal conservative himself, admits that Ron Paul is the only one with a real budget plan.3. Electability. Yes, what's often touted as Ron Paul's biggest weakness ("he's not electable!"), is actually one of his biggest strengths.  Romney has been molded as the CandidateBot 2012, the perfect candidate who strives to offend noone and please everyone.  But it is Ron Paul who polls best amongst independents, and with 40% of voters now indentifying themselves as independent, this is not an insignifigant number. In fact, if the election were held today, polls show Paul would defeat Obama.4. True Principle.  Mitt Romney's flip-flopping has been well-documented. Much like John McCain, Bob Dole and Gerald Ford before him, Romney is a self professed "moderate".  "Moderate", of course, is just a fancy way to say "man with zero actual principles".  Not only can the GOP no longer afford to field a candidate without clear and consistent positions - the country can't afford another President without principle.  Remember when Obama was going to end the wars and stick it to those darn banksters? Yeah, me neither. See the video below if you need a refresher course on why Romney won't be any better when it comes to sticking to his guns.5.  The Federal Reserve - The Defining Issue of Our Time.  Before Ron Paul began appearing on tv screens during the 2008 Republican Primaries, hardly anyone had ever even heard of the Federal Reserve let alone considered it something worth thinking about.  Fast forward to 2012, where college students routinely break into "End the Fed" chants at Dr. Paul's rallies.   Whether it's war, bailouts or just big government in general that grinds your gears, all roads lead back to the Fed.  The Fed creates money out of thin air, allowing the easy expansion of government and leading to all the wars and bailouts.  Ron Paul's amendment that allowed for a partial audit of the Federal Reserve in 2010 revealed over $16 trillion in secret bailouts - more than the entire national debt! Meanwhile, Mitt Romney has made it clear that he's in no way concerned about the Federal Reserve. Which side of history do we want to be on?6. Only Paul can outflank Obama from the Left. Whether it is on the issue of war, bailouts, taxes, health care or just about anything else, only Ron Paul can challenge Obama on the issues that matter.  Mitt Romney calls for repealing ObamaCare, and yet his own healthcare experts practically wrote it.  Paul calls for ending government involvement in health care, and is an OBGYN and has delivered more than 4,000 babies. Who better to counter the left's "War on Women" meme?  War, eroding civil liberties, bailouts...only Ron Paul has opposed these things, and for nearly 40 years no less. Mitt Romney? He supports greater expansion of the military, loves the Patriot Act and has fully supported bailouts in the past.7. Coalition Builder. Some politicians tout their ability to "reach across the aisle" and work with the "other side".  Again, this usually means teaming up with that other side to support dastardly things.  John McCain and Newt Gingrich have "reached across the aisle" to support things like the expansion of medicare, more wars, carbon taxes and corporate bailouts. Ron Paul , on the other hand, has built coalitions while maintaining his principles.  His bill to Audit the Fed currently has 218 cosponsors, drawing from both Democrats and Republicans.  He even teamed up with Barney Frank to support the legalization of marijuana.  To defeat Obama, the Republicans will have to field a uniter, not a divider, while sticking to principles.  Nobody has been able to do both of those things at the same time like Dr. Paul.Less than half of the delegates for the Republican Convention in Tampa, FL this August have been selected. The GOP and the mainstream media are already crowning Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate and declaring the 2012 Election to be between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, 2 candidates with essentially the same policies who have both been proven to be untrustworthy.The issues at hand are too big to let the elites that run things have their way.  It's important that all people of principle and anyone who cares about the freedoms that we've taken for granted for so long come together and put aside petty partisan politics. Ron Paul is the one man who has done that his entire life, and we have a chance to see real change with his election. The fight is not over, in fact it has just begun.  So before you turn your money over to the Feds, why not toss a few towards Ron Paul's Tax Day money bomb, and help to see some true change in this country? And if you can't do that, at least share this blog and tell a friend about Ron Paul. We can take our country and our freedom back from the forces that would have otherwise.The future is what we make of it. Let's not look back and wonder what we could have done.  Better, let's look back and know that we were the ones that did everything we could, and helped to truly create positive change towards a more free society.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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