Michigan Forces Slaughter of Small Farm Livestock & Stages Armed Raids

A quick hit to follow up our previous posting about the Federal Government's crackdown on raw milk farms - Michigan recently passed an "Invasive Species Order" (ISO) by its Department of Natural Resources (DNR), declaring some traditional livestock to be "invasive species," and therefor illegal. Specifically this order targets open-range or feral pigs (brown coats vs. pink). Never mind that some of these farms have existed for generations safely raising the animals. Michigan is sending in the armed farm-fighters to slaughter the animals and arrest farmers who are harboring the now illegal beasts.An excerpt from Natural News paints a sad and disturbing picture.

"I think this is an unconstitutional order, these actions of the DNR are way out of bounds," attorney Joseph O'Leary told NaturalNews in an interview today. He is representing one of the farmers who was targeted in these raids. "To take what was six months ago an entirely legal activity, and suddenly people are felons over it. They're not growing drugs, running guns or killing anybody, they're raising animals pursuant to USDA regulations and state of Michigan regulations. They haven't done anything wrong here, and the DNR is treating them like they are hardened criminals."In anticipation of the DNR arriving on the scene, one farmer engaged in what can only be described as a heart-wrenching task of shooting his own pigs, one by one, including baby piglets before the DNR arrived. This was to avoid being arrested as a felon. His livelihood is now completely destroyed, as the state of Michigan has put him out of business. Even after this farmer informed the DNR that he had destroyed his entire herd of pigs, the DNR continued to illegally acquire a search warrant by providing false information to a court Judge, then conducting an armed raid on his ranch to verify that the entire herd of pigs had indeed already been shot to death. That this took place satisfied the DNR, which is now showing itself to be engaged in the mob-style destruction of targeted farming businesses through its mass-murder agenda of Michigan's small-scale farm pigs."It was very traumatic for him. These guys are farmers, and I know how much he cared for the animals there, and the DNR treats these like they're some kind of a plant that needs to be exterminated rather than animals that people care about," said O'Leary.

It's understandable for a state to want to curb a species that they consider to be invasive or overpopulated. However, this can be done far more appropriately through hunting, as with deer or rabbit, rather than storming in Gustapo-like to destroy people's livelihood and way of life on their private property.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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