CISPA: SOPA's Dirtier, Creepier Uncle


Remember SOPA and PIPA? No, they aren't characters in "The Hunger Games".  Rather they were attempts by Congress to censor the internet earlier this year under the guise of intellectual property protection.  Luckily, thanks in part to an internet protest day in which many websites including this one partook, SOPA and PIPA were scurried away under the cover of night.  Of course, much like the mighty cockroach, the attempts of the government to censor the internet are persistent and certainly won't go away easily.  Now internet censorship is being repackaged and resold as CISPA - Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).CISPA is even more dangerous than SOPA and PIPA.  For one, instead of using the cover of copyright protection, this bill uses the much broader idea of "intelligence threats" as a reason to censor.  The language used in the bill is such that the government can deem almost anything on the internet an "intelligence threat" - an email, a forum post, blog post.  CISPA also allows the government to seize private information collected by companies like Google if they deem something a threat.  None of this would require a warrant or any accountability whatsoever.  There is no legal recourse with CISPA either, as the bill grants companies that take this private data immunity if it is deemed to be for "intelligence" purposes.  CISPA has over 100 co-sponsors and is very likely to pass as there is no major movement against it as was the case with SOPA.  In fact, CISPA has the support of prominent internet companies such as Google and Facebook.The broadness of the language in CISPA is reminiscent of the vague language used in the NDAA to justify the indefinite detention of anyone suspected of providing aid to "terrorists or affiliated organizations".  Much like with NDAA, the Obama Administration has expressed some "concerns" about CISPA.   Of course, this is all 1984-esque doublespeak, as the Obama Administration called for the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA and signed it under the cover of New Years' Eve.  Similarly, there should be no doubt that CISPA will be signed and enacted by the Administration if it is indeed passed by Congress.Please take a few minutes to watch the below video where activist David Seaman describes the dangers behind CISPA. It's time to start a grassroots movement against CISPA to equal the movement against SOPA and PIPA.  Let's use the internet to protect the last bastion of free speech, while we still have it.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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