Stop Letting Emotional Issues Distract from Advancing Liberty


There will come a day, when the masses realize that they have been fooled.  The illusion of government superiority in planning the behaviors and choices of private citizen’s personal lives will be exposed.  An increasing amount of people realize that the government has no right to exert force with the intent of influencing the decisions of free people.  Both parties feed this divisive political climate in this country by stressing disruptive rhetoric and relaxing the focus on issues that bring people together.  The goal is to divide the people by pushing emotional issues to the front of the party platforms.  Mitt Romney participates in this strategy, but Barack Obama has become a pro at politicizing fiery topics.In 2008, when candidate Barack Obama ran for office he advertised himself as a great unifier.  As the first African-American President, he was granted access to a platform unparalleled in United States history.  Due to the historic implications that surrounded his election, President Obama had the potential to change our nation positively by promoting peace and unity at a level not approachable by his predecessors.  Sadly, the President has used his position of influence to insert his opinion on emotional, cultural issues in order to capitalize politically on the division he has created.As we enter Obama’s reelection campaign, almost 4 years later, he has ramped up the partisan rhetoric.  During his first term in office, President Obama has repeatedly utilized his bully pulpit in an inappropriate manner.  There have been three occurrences of this despicable behavior in the last few months.  All three instances were reported by the main stream media, but no major news outlets took the President or his supporters to task for the politicizing of same-sex marriage, the Trayvon Martin tragedy, and women in the workplace.Last week, the Facebook and Twitter universe was buzzing with conversations and arguments regarding the North Carolina vote to ban gay marriage in the state.  Our opportunistic President took advantage of this controversial vote.  He shared in a televised interview that his view on same-sex marriage had “evolved” and he was now accepting of same-sex couples getting married.  In 2008, candidate Obama made known that he believed marriage was between a man and a woman and he did not favor gay marriage.  Although, at the time, he assured states that he would not interfere with a state’s constitution or interfere with the enforcement of marriage laws on the state level.In spite of the President’s much publicized personal evolution, his policy stance remains identical today.  This raises a question as to what his motivation was for sharing on “Good Morning America” that he is now, on a personal level, fine with two individuals of the same-sex getting married.  Apparently, in 2008 the thought of such a thing kept him awake at night.  If President Obama was seriously interested in ensuring that each individual is granted equal rights, then he would state that marriage is a private affair that should not be regulated or policed by the Federal Government.  It should not matter what Barack Obama or any politician thinks of marriage.  The less government intrudes in our personal lives, the more free our society will become.  It would be truly historic if Barack Obama had stated that there should be zero government interference with the personal relationships of private citizens.  That would be a courageous act that would be worthy of praise and deserving of the attention he has received.Tragedies occur constantly in this country.  It is not every day that the President of the United States attempts to profit politically off of a terribly sad event.  This is exactly what Barack Obama did when he stated, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”  This is not a new behavior for President Obama.  He has played on racial tension to try to gain an edge politically in the past.  Remember, in the summer of 2009, when President Obama proclaimed that a Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. had “acted stupidly,” when he arrested a black Harvard Professor for disorderly conduct after being called to investigate a burglary at the Professor’s house.  Obama’s inappropriate comments necessitated damage control and resulted in the now famous beer summit, which took place in the White House Rose Garden.  The President’s politicizing of the beer summit is insignificant when contrasted to the President’s inappropriate comments surrounding the Trayvon Martin tragedy.President Obama did not contact local authorities in Florida and conduct a thorough review of the evidence in the Trayvon Martin case.  It is not his role as President to do such a thing, but he acted as if he had all the facts.  He felt that he knew enough in order to bring judgment and risk inciting a race riot by comparing Martin’s appearance to his imaginary, potential son.  The authorities in Florida are responsible for ensuring that justice is served, not the POTUS.  Why would the President comment on Martin’s killing, but neglect to even mention the killing of a white, mentally ill man in Fullerton, CA by two police officers?  He only comments on situations where he can capitalize politically.It was a strange event last month when a female supporter of the President launched a personal attack against the wife of the opposition’s candidate.  Democratic strategist Hillary Rosen said that Ann Romney has “never worked a day in her life.”   President Obama’s campaign did condemn the attack, but it is doubtful that he even understands the issue.  To be fair to the President, Mitt and Ann Romney probably do not grasp the driving factor that contributes to the an increased amount of women in the workplace.The opportunities for women to obtain employment have increased greatly over the last several decades.  This is a great thing.  Each job or business venture should provide equal opportunity for anybody, male or female, to compete to fill the position.  It is important to distinguish between needing to work and wanting to work.  Free individuals, male or female, should be free to choose to pursue a career or stay at home with their family.  Most people overlook a major factor that influences a woman’s decision regarding if they choose to follow a path to a career or decide to stay at home to raise a family.  The Federal Reserve System has caused drastic devaluation of the currency which has contributed to the growing need for both spouses to maintain well-paying jobs in order to continue to support the lifestyle most have become accustomed.  Comparing today’s prices to life in the 1960s highlights how far our quality of life has fallen in this country.  Analyzing the chart in the above hyperlink shows that the price of housing has increased at almost 3 times the pace of wages.  It’s no wonder that most families cannot afford to have the wife stay home to raise children.Many of my close family and friends automatically assume that I love politics because I dedicate so much of my time and energy to debating and analyzing political history and policy.  The fact is, this could not be further from the truth.  The life of a politician is a career choice rightfully abhorred by most sane individuals.  My passion is rooted in the advancement of the ideals of liberty and much of this philosophical battle is waged in the political arena.  As more individuals awaken to the fact that the government does not hold the solutions to life’s cultural problems, then the more easily the conversation can be moved towards what the role of government should be in our lives.  That’s the conversation we desperately need to have in this country.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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